"Y/n, you need to get to the hospital right now...your brother...there was an accident. He...he was walking home from the bus stop from school and a truck-..."

He couldn't finish his sentence before breaking down into tears. I sat there in my car motionless, just staring out my rearview mirror listening to my father cry through the phone. It took me a minute to mutter out words. 

"...is he alive...?" 

I was met with silence on the other end of the phone. I heard my father's shaky inhale.

"Yes...but he's in critical condition...his frontal lobe is...-"


I cut him off and hung up, I didn't want any more details. My arms felt weak as I lifted them to turn my car on and drive over to the hospital. My mind was racing as I tried to focus on the road with tears blurring my vision

'Is he gonna be okay? How big was the truck? Oh my fucking god he's going to die. He's so young. This isn't happening. I just need to get there. He's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay'

I got to the hospital and spoke to the lady at the front desk,

"Do you know where Giovani L/n's room is?" 

She looked up and stared directly into my eyes for a couple of seconds. I couldn't tell if it was pity or genuine sorrow. She looked back down at her computer monitor, a few mouse clicks later she pulls out a paper pad and writes down a number. After ripping the paper off the pad she silently slides me the paper and looks at me one last time before returning to her other work. 

I found the door labeled '1987' and went to grab the handle but I froze with my hand above it. I didn't know if I could handle it, seeing my brother like that. I didn't even know what he looked like now, I was almost too scared to find out. I had to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to see. I took a deep breath, and when I exhaled I felt tears run down my cheeks, as much as I didn't want to cry I couldn't help it. 

I slowly turned the handle, I heard the soft click before I carefully opened the door. It was bright, I squinted until my eyes adjusted to the light. 

I saw my father, sitting silently on a chair next to the bed with his head in his hands on his lap 

My mother, standing near the bed holding Gio's hand, which was covered in dirt and dried blood.

The doctors and nurses, tending to my brother, writing things down, having quiet conversations so that my parents wouldn't hear. 

And my brother...

I couldn't see him from where I was

All I saw were blood-stained bandages. 

I struggled to comprehend what I was seeing, my vision once again blurry from tears. I dragged my feet over to his bed. He was covered head to toe in bandages, some were clean and white, others were splotched with red and brown from blood. All I could do was stare, the consistent beeping of the machines echoed in my head, the headache that was forming in my head just got worse. I couldn't even make out the outline of his face, the bandages by his forehead...or where his forehead was supposed to be, were completely soaked in blood. I was so absorbed by the beeping of the machines that I didn't hear my mother stand up and walk toward me. 

A cold slap to my face snapped me out of my daze, I was met with my mother screaming at me

"You! You don't have the right to be here you useless bitch. This is YOUR FAULT.

My father got up and tried to calm her down, she violently shoved him out of the way grabbed me by my collar. 

"YOU should have been there! YOU should have been THERE to pick him up! But no, you were too busy working on those fucking MACHINES. For fucking MONEY. You are the most useless, cursed, walking disappointment I have ever seen. YOU'RE the reason my baby is DYING."

She raised her hand to slap me again, my father grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug. She kept on repeating the same phrases. 

"Your fault" 

"Where were you?" 

I regained my composure, at this point, my sadness was pure hatred for my mother, I took a step forward towards her in my father's arms.

"And where were you, huh? You're the one that did absolutely everything for him. Where were you? The Liquor store? The gas station buying cigarettes? Or whoring yourself out to the guy at your work. Joshua was it?" 

My mother stares at me with murder in her eyes. My father let her go, he stared at her with disbelief.

"Silvia...what is Y/n saying? Joshua, the coworker you said you were going out with for brunch today..."

My mother shook her hands, "No No! Johnathan that isn't related at all! Y/n is just coming up with lies to shift the blame onto ME. I would never cheat on you that just plain obscene!" 

My father looked at her in silence, he didn't need to say anything at this point. I felt terrible for him. I was so upset at my mother that I outed her on all her little secrets. My father has a dying child and a cheating wife. He directed his attention to me, ignoring my mother's pleading.

"It's true, isn't (Y/n)? She told me today that she was going out to brunch with her coworker Joshua and would be back in time to pick Gio up. I was Also at work but...She told me she would be there."

He turned back to my mother, who had the look of defeat in her eyes. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel a little nice to see that woman get crushed. 

"...and you're blaming (y/n) for this?! You TOLD me you were gonna be there! But you were too busy getting fucked by your coworker huh? You...are fucking sick. You're a fucking sick bitch, Silvia"

They continued to argue, their marriage of twenty-one years ripping apart at the seams. I could tell my father was heartbroken, but all my mother cared about was saving her ass. I was caught off guard by the consistent beep of the machine changing the tempo. Speeding up, the waves on the machine screen started to spike. I whipped my head around to see the doctors rushing to Gio's bedside. My parents stopped fighting and started to question the doctors on what was going on. I saw more blood starting to leak from the clean white bandages. After fifteen minutes of the doctors' frantic movements, one of them came to talk to us. 

"We...can try everything we have. But the chances of him ever being able to move, or do anything on his own is an absolute zero. He would be in such fragile condition that the smallest thing could kill him." 

"Please! Do everything you can! Just save my baby please!" My mother wept. 

I sat in silence for a few moments before speaking up, 


"No?!? What do you mean no?! Don't listen to her she's not his mother!" She snapped back.

"I'm saying he's going to be fucking miserable, If I were in that situation, I wouldn't want to live like that. We should let him rest...and get some sleep...that's the least we can do for him"

My mother glared at me, I could tell she wanted to fucking murder me right here and now. I felt my father's hand on my forearm. I looked up at him to meet his eyes, he nodded at me then turned to speak to the doctor. 

"I agree with my daughter. Doctor, please see that my ex-wife is escorted out by security."

My mother started throwing a fit, screaming, crying, trying to throw things. Security detained her and dragged her out of the room. It was finally peaceful. 

The doctors motioned us over to say our last goodbyes. My father cried as he held his dying son's hand. I took his other hand in mine and said what I thought he needed to hear.

"Hey...Gio, I don't know if you can hear me or not but, I want you to know that you were the best little brother I could have ever asked for. You saved me, you really did, you made me feel like I wasn't alone in this world. All the times we would get ice cream and you'd the sundaes that were always the most expensive, and the times you'd beat my ass in mini-golf, I cherished all of them. I promise one day, even if it isn't here, we'll do it again one day. I just want you to know-"

The monitor flat-lined. 

"I'm still your friend."

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