part 31.

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Next day

In hospital......

Jackson POV......

I am going towards her room....
To give her this clothes....

I entered in her room and she is still
Sleeping....she is soo adorable...

Jackson: wake up princess....or we will be late for our flight...!!

Y/n: oppa 5 minutes more plz...

Jackson: ok only 5 minutes then ware this drees and come outside....

Y/n: hmmm...(sleepy)

I chuckled at her cuteness...
And went outside....

Y/n pov....

I wanna sleep more....but i have to ready
Cause I can't wait to go home...!

I got up and went towards washroom...

After a relaxing shower I ware this...

Y/n: wow oppa chosed a beautiful dress

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Y/n: wow oppa chosed a beautiful dress...!

I went outside to see where is oppa...
He is talking to the doctor...

Y/n: opps let's go...!

Jackson: ok...

He bowed the doctor....and hold my hand started going towards outside....

We sat in his car then driver started driving....

At airport....

At airport

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"My obsessed brother in laws" BTS FF ✔(ot7) ( Imagin by Yourself ) {yandere} Where stories live. Discover now