part 10.

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Next morning....

Y/n pov...

I woke up early because i am going to meet my parents today....

Y/n: good morning world....!!

After shower wear this....

After shower wear this

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I went downstairs....but there only some maids and my unnie....she is sitting in couch.....but my eyes finding them....!!
(sigh) you i am in love with them but I can't do anything cause they are not mine and i also can't take my unnies happiness....

Y/n: good morning unnie....!!

Bella: hmm....good morning....!! Go eat your breakfast....i already ate mine....!!

Y/n: but where are they....did they eat breakfast...????

Bella: why are you asking...?? They are my husbands you don't have worry about them...!!!( left from there ).....!!

Y/n: huh!!!

Why unnie talking like she angry??? About yesterday but i told her the truth...(sigh)....

At my house.....
Knock knock *

Mom opened the door she widen her eyes....

Y/m: y/n....

Y/n: surpris....!!!!

She hugged me tightly......

Y/n: mom at last let me in...

Y/m: come come...!!!

Y/n: daddy !!!!

I hugged my daddy very tightly....

Y/n: how are you daddy....i am fine...!!

Y/d: i am good princess....!!!

I kissed my daddy's cheeks...

Y/m: no one loves me (dramatic)...

We laughed at her cuteness....

At evening...!!

Bts pov...

We came home whole tiered....but our tiredness will be gone to our angle face
But!! Where is she....

Jungkook: bella where is y/n..??..(looking for her).....!

Bella: why are you asking about her....(annoyed)...

Suga: answer the damm!! Question...(angry)....

Bella: she went to meet our parents....(rolled eyes)...

Tea: oh....!!

(Sigh) our angle is not home...we become little sad but we remember something.....

To be continued------

"My obsessed brother in laws" BTS FF ✔(ot7) ( Imagin by Yourself ) {yandere} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat