Ch. 16 |•| Big News

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what am i talking abt, she's always pretty... pretty hot

Author's Note:
today has been an ew day bc i'm in arizona rn and my uncle's four children came over and they are so freaking annoying to the point i wanna punch the 5 year old. i cannot wait to go home but i also don't wanna go bc then i have to go to school :/ oh well, it's better than the child screaming and crying while the dog is tryna tear my fluffy pillow to shreds. anyways, enough abt me, how r u doing on this fine day? ............ hopefully there was an answer but now, ON WITH THE STORY! ~


"She held up two fingers before they got distracted."


I stared at the little babbling in my arms, playing with my hair. I stared, not knowing what to do until she said, "down p'ease." I let them down and they walked over to the toy chest in the corner. She picked up a Marvel coloring book and set it down on the little plastic table in the center of the room. They then walked over to a shelf where the crayons resided on a taller shelf than where she could reach. They started to get frustrated and started pouting, turning back to look at me. "Are you reaching for the crayons little one?" She huffed, rolling her eyes and nodding as if it were obvious that was their goal. "Alright, alright, I'll help you, but you better stop that attitude missy," giving Kella a stern look. She nodded vigorously and I made my way over to her. I grabbed the box for them and handed it to her, where they toddled back over to the table where the books were. She looked over at me, "Join me p'ease," they stared at me with puppy dog eyes and an adorable pout. How can I resist such a cutie pie? "Of course honeybun," I settled down at the table across from Kella. She opened up a Marvel coloring book and flipped to a Black Widow page and pointed at the tear line, "Help?" I carefully pulled the page out of the book and handed it to them, but she pushed it back into my hands.

"Yours," they stated. She took the book back and flipped to another page with Wanda on it. She pushed the book to me again and gestured. "What do we say?" I didn't want to outright give them what they wanted since she could use that in the future. They huffed, "Help." "And...?" "P'ease," I was satisfied with that. "Good girl," I patted her head and tore the page out of the book, handing both to them. She pulled a box of crayons out of the bucket and pushed them towards me. I started coloring and so did they.


I was waiting for Kella to finish her dry bro awing, but while I sat there, I took the time to really take in the room and saw her canopy bed, playpen, toy chest, and other toys scattered throughout the room. There was a giant fluffy beanbag (lovesack) in the corner of the room. I saw many Marvel decoration hanging on the walls and smiled to myself when I felt a tug on my pant leg, "Lizzieeeeee, I doneeeee." They showed me the finishing drawing and it may have been a bit messy, but it was really cute. "I love it honey," and gave her the Black Widow drawing. They stared in awe, "Hang up?" She pointed at the wall. I nodded and they went to go grab some tape. I picked up the two drawings and walked over to the wall waiting for her to come back. I hung them up on the wall and stood back so Kella could see it.

They put two thumbs up and waddled to the corner. She presses a button for a TV to drop down and started playing Captain America: Civil War. They looked at me, "Cuddles?" I smiled walking over and sat down next to them in the beanbag. She scooted over, laying their head on my shoulder.

~ little cousins ~

I look down at the little to see them sleeping, cuddling into my side. I smiled and kept watching the movie. Once it finished, my phone rang and I slowly moved Kella's arms off my torso so I could grab my phone. She started stirring and I froze in my spot as they pulled me closer and wrapped her legs around me, holding me hostage. I just grabbed my phone from where I sat and checked the message to see Scarlett's contact name, 'hey, what ru doing right now? can i come over?' I FaceTimed Scarlett and Evans in a group call. It rang once when Scarlett picked up. "Hi Lizzie!" My phone blasted her words since the volume was all the way up and immediately lowered it afterwards. Kella scrunched her face up and started shifting. I held my breath until they finally stopped moving. "Phew. Hi Scarlett," I whispered. "Why are we whispering?" I panned the phone to Kella laying on top of me and she nodded in understanding. Chris then joined the call, "Whats up guys?" I gave him a nod and Scarlett said 'hello' back. "Guys, I have some great news for you," I was cut off by Scarlett. "ARE YOU DATING KELLA?!" She got extremely excited, but got disappointed when I shook my head. "It does involve Kella though," I claimed. "As I was saying, you know how Kella reacted when we left Scarlett's?" They both nodded. "Well, she's a little." They both looked at me with wide eyes. Scarlett and Chris were speechless and there was utter silence for a few minutes until Scarlett spoke up. "Awwww, she's cute," she whispered.

"I know right? Well I need some advice," they nodded, waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath, "Well I want her to be my little, but I don't know how to ask, should I even ask? Does she even want a caregiver, let alone me as theirs?" Chris spoke next, "I think it's a great idea, I mean you saw how she acted at Scarlett's," Scarlett nodded, "plus she's an absolute cutie, I love seeing them around." I smiled, "So that settles it, I'll ask her when they wake up." As if on cue, Kella started stirring and I hung up on Chris and Scar after saying my goodbyes. She cuddled into my side even more before opening her eyes.

I was having a good dream about meeting Elizabeth Olsen when I was rudely woken up by someone talking. Don't people know to respect sleep with silence? I snuggle more into my pillow. It was a bit lumpy but I don't care. The talking subsided and I tried to go back to sleep, but since I was no longer tired, I opened my eyes and was met with more darkness. Am I dreaming right now? I pinched myself to ensure I was awake. It hurt for sure, Oww, I rolled onto my left side landing on the floor. I groaned squeezing my eyes tight and when I was about to open my eyes, I heard shifting from behind me. I froze and held my breath, "Are you okay?" I recognize that voice... Oh shit, oh shit, Code Red: THE DREAM WAS NOT A DREAM, I REPEAT, THE DREAM WAS NOT A DREAM, I was screaming internally and I opened my eyes slowly. I was simply going to die. Lizzie's face was full of worry, "I'm fine, not as bad as it could have been." She immediately relaxed and you could see it in her eyes, but she still looked over me for injuries making me squirm under her gaze. She finally let up and I got up, feeling pain shoot up my leg, falling down right after. "Nope, not okay. I am not okay." Lizzie came to me and picked me up like I weighed nothing. What the f.... I did not expect Lizzie to be able to do that, but then again seeing as to how I'm shaped like a stick, weigh nothing, and she's Wanda, I'm not surprised. She walks out into the theater room and lays me down on the sofa. Why does this always happen to me? I was exasperated at the fact it was always something like this to occur with me, not Gabi or Bella, me.

Lizzie was down by my legs trying to find the problem and moved my left leg, nothing. She twisted my right leg and I scream out. I have a low pain tolerance okay? Lizzie rolls my pant leg up and my ankle is extremely swollen and slightly purple. "Well, looks like we have to go to the ER..." I started panicking.

holy shizballs i am sorry asf abt ghosting this story i deeply apologize as u may know from the A/N chapter among other reasons, like my dad moving away for work for a few years. but anyways i shall get to writing the next chapter but it may be another long while. anyways enjoy life while u have it, eat an actual meal and drink water, but above all be/love urself. signing off, Kella <3.

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