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✷ 𝒞𝒪ℳℳ𝒪𝒩 ℋℰ𝒜𝒟 𝒞𝒜𝒩𝒩𝒪𝒩𝒮‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

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1.) Griffin is very friendly . Yes , he is flirty and likes to make other people happy , he tends to come off intimidating. If he sees your muse , and is friends with them he will walk up and say hello , or hug them . He loves seeing people he knows .

2.) He enjoys taking walks with people and by himself , if they want to get to know him . Most of the time , if he 's walking , he 's trying to forget something , talking to someone , planning on meeting someone ,  or just wanted to get out of the house . 

3.) His favorite thing to do , with anyone , is watch movies . any type of movies too , but he loves action movies the most . He will plan an entire date just based off your favorite movie , His ideal night  is watching a movie and eating popcorn & candy . If you were to say you wanted to go to the movies , he'd  buy you all the snacks .

4.) Griffin has a hard time keeping things clean , (yes , including his mind) it 's hard for him to keep a clean room , which is why 9 times out of 10 , he enjoys doing things in the living room . He usually has clothes all over the floor , and an unmade bed . go figure for the son of Aphrodite to be messy .

5.) If he sees your muse stressed out , he will offer to go get them anything they want , he is known for getting people coffee , candy , stuffed animals , and other small presents like that . He will also joke with them about small things, or tell them about the Olympians. Most people think he just knows a lot about the topic ,  and he agrees with it , it's the best  for everyone .

6.) Photography is one of his favorite past times to do , he 'll take pictures of his s/o , friends , the sky , anything that inspires him . The one thing he won 't do ,  is take pictures of himself . Surprisingly , he doesn 't like himself in photos even though he is totally photogenic .

7.) He likes shopping , he will shop anywhere . Especially if  someone goes with him , he will totally go to a thrift store , buy some shoes, then go to Louis Vuitton . As long as he can find something stylish , he 'll go anywhere . He will also buy his friends , and lovers clothes , that he knows they 'll love . He has a knack for fashion .

8.) He tends to have a hard time understanding his own feelings , sometimes he 'll think he 's fallen in love , when in reality he just was horny for them . So 99% of the time , if you were to tell him , you like him , he 'll most likely agree and date you for a little while , then realize , maybe he didn't like you , which in turn , gave him the name , " fuck boy. "

9.) Griffin can get shy at times , shocking right ?  He can and will get shy , when meeting your muses friends, family , and other important people to the muse . He will start to rub his knuckles , be less cocky  and extremely quiet .

10.) He will drink , not very much , but enough for him to be a dork . While drunk , he will flirt with a mirror  , with others , or basically anything . It is a very fun scene to watch , as he will get upset at the mirror , or he will get offened if people try to flirt with him .

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