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!!TW!! Angsty as f*ck

"Out of all the things that could have happened, it had to be this," Cerise whispered as she wrung out a damp face cloth and rested it over Fiore's forehead.

"What happened to them....?" Giorno questioned.

"Fuji's curse, you left them restrained and they couldn't get away, so now they're trapped in an endless and fatal sleep," Cerise sighed.

"No, they can't. Isn't there a cure!?" Giorno exclaimed.

"The only effective one is to defeat Fuji himself, or convince him to retract the curse," Cerise explained.

"Great...... How long do we have?"

"About a month, they will feel nothing but no one knows what the death will feel like," Cerise said.

"God Fiore, this wouldn't have happened if you knew when to quit...." Giorno mumbled, the sound of glass shattering snatching his attention away to see Cerise standing over a shattered porcelain water basin.

"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so protective!" Cerise shouted, "god! Giorno pull your head out of this fantasy you live in! They could die and all you have to say is something about it being their fault!? I didn't know you could be such an asshole!"

"I-I'm sorry Cerise-"

"You should be! They're so little, so much life. And you took it away! They loved you Giorno. And you left them. They would have been so scared..." Cerise said, placing a gentle hand on Fiore's face, "that man is a demon living in a human's body. He's terrifying if you give him the chance. It's like watching someone realise they've been poisoned. it's sickening but you can't help but watch...."


Giorno paced down the dark halls of the house, a drowning feeling enveloping him as he neared the one room he hated visiting.

But he couldn't help but peek inside.

Fiore's face looked so peaceful. But they weren't alone.

Okuyasu lay beside his sister's child, holding them close and rocking them like a baby, his lips resting on the top of their head as tears dribbled from his eyes.

"I'll kill him when I get the chance," Okuyasu mumbled, "I-I'll kill him, and I'll make it slow. For you and sis. H-he'll get what he deserves... that Fuji bastard."

Giorno watched as Okuyasu broke out of his shell, tears flowing from his eyes as he held Fiore tight as if promising not to let them go again.

"It's best to let him do this privately," said a voice behind Giorno.

"I know Josuke, but I feel horrible. It's all my fault," Giorno replied.

"You were trying to protect them. It wasn't the most effective, but you tried," Josuke sighed, turning his great-great uncle towards him, "right now, you need to try and defeat Fuji. do it for Fiore. If I know them, they could have broken out of those vines no problem. But they trusted you. They were hurt by your words, but they trusted you. So keep that trust, and save them."

"I-I'll try."


Giorno sat beside Fiore's bed, holding their hand.

"Everytime I'm here, everytime I see you, I feel so much more alone, but so much more loved," Giorno mumbled, "I went back for you. I didn't promise I would. But I did. And you weren't there."

Fiore (Giorno x oc)Where stories live. Discover now