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That night I threw on some less vibrant clothes and a bike that I’d borrowed from a friend of mine.

I hopped on the bike, pulled on my helmet, and sped off to the spot I was instructed to go to.

Once I got there I was greeted by a familiar face.

“Giorno? Why are you here?” I asked.

“Well, I would have sent Trish but, Mista invited her to dinner, but I’m more than happy to get to know you more,” Giorno replied.

His usual purple ensemble was replaced by a black one, and his braid was undone.

“Alright, at least I’m not stuck here with Mista, and I’d like to get to know you more too,” I replied, a smile on my lips.

“Well, let’s start patrolling,” Giorno said.

I led him through mazes of backroads, thoroughly watching each one.

Looking through alleys and corners, finding nothing.

“Damn, I thought we would have found something,” Giorno sighed.

“Well, they’ve probably expected you would check the back roads and alleys, so maybe they’re somewhere more open?” I suggested.

“That’s a good theory, maybe abandoned places or fields?” he asked.

“Exactly, my best guess could be the Catacombe di san Gennaro. They would expect you to know nothing about them and just go straight to the alleys. So, we get Trish and Mista to come with us into the Catacombe and stop this trade.”

“I’ll get in contact with my consigliere and ask his sister to fly to Naples as soon as possible and she can help us see if your theory is correct,” Giorno said, as I climbed onto my bike.

“Alright, I’ll meet with you all tomorrow at the house, be careful on your way back Giorno,” I said, before speeding away.


I woke up the next morning and I grabbed my dress and gloves from my closet.

I got dressed, grabbed an apple and flagged down Silvano’s cab.

“Buon giorno mi bambino! (good day my child!)” he exclaimed.

“Buon giorno Silvano! Can you bring me to this address?” I asked, handing him the paper.

“Of course mi bambino,” Silvano said, before driving away from my apartment.

Soon we stopped at the house and waved goodbye to Silvano.

He tipped his hat to me and drove away.

I entered the house and walked until I heard the voices of my friends and Mista.

“Buon giorno mi amicos and Mista!” I exclaimed, receiving replies from the room.

“I see your pronouns are she/her today?” Trish asked.

“Yup! Did Giorno tell you both about what our plan is?" I replied.

"Yeah, do you really think they'll be in the Catacombe?" Mista said.

"Yes, but just to make sure I have Cerise on her way here," said Giorno.

"Yes! Cerise is coming to Italy again!" Mista cheered.

"Yes, and while she's here I'll also be asking her if she can track down Fiore's parents."

"That's a great plan!" Trish exclaimed.

"Yes, yes it is."


"Cerise!" Mista cried as a woman with long wavy black hair and pale skin wearing a long skirt and a blouse walked out of the plane terminal gracefully.

"Mista! How good it is to see you all again!" She replied, her blue eyes sparkling with joy.

She was followed by a tall man with eccentric red hair wearing a green ensemble of a trench coat and pants with a white shirt.

"This is my husband Noriaki Kakyoin. It is custom that for now you call him Kakyoin," Cerise explained as the man bowed.

"It's lovely to see you again Cerise, now you know why we brought you here correct?" Giorno asked.

"Yes, I do. Do you have any form of DNA?" She replied.

"Yes, just this morning we did 'mandatory' blood tests," said Giorno.

"Perfect! I'll bring ghost town out when we're in a more secluded area."
We brought Cerise and Kakyoin back to the mansion where we were finally able to start tracking the perps.

"Alright Ghost Town, do your thing," Cerise said as a purple, grey, black, and white stand appeared.

The stand floated over to the blood samples and took a drop from each one, drinking the thick blood making Cerise slightly gag.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I can just taste the blood and it's disgusting," she said with a small, nervous, chuckle.

"I'll go get you some water," Kakyoin said before running off with Mista to the kitchen.

"Alright, I got something. You were right, they're in the catacombs," she said, sitting down on a chair.

"Thank you Cerise. I do have a question, our friend Fiore here doesn't know where her parents are, do you think you could track them with her DNA?" Asked Giorno.

"I think I might," said Cerise, with her fingers tapping her chin, "it could take a while but I can try."

Giorno grabbed a small tube from the blood tests.

"Here, this is Fiore's test," he said, handing Cerise the tube filled with my blood.

"Ghost Town," she called. The stand flew back to her and took a small drop of the blood.

She gagged slightly before closing her eyes.

"I can only pick up your father's presence, I'm sorry Fiore but your mother passed away. If she was still alive I would feel a bit of her presence. Her name was Nijimura Asuka right?" Cerise asked.

"Yes, that was her," I said, my voice shaking.

"Come here," Cerise said, standing up from her chair and pulling me into her arms.

She held my head gently with her palm.

Her hug was motherly and kind, gentle and sweet.

"I'm so sorry Fiore, we'll find your father and maybe he will tell you anything he knows about her," Cerise said, still holding me tightly as my tears coated her shoulder.

I nodded, unable to speak.

I would find my father, but I would not find my mother.

Fiore (Giorno x oc)Where stories live. Discover now