Chapter 6

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I cannot stop thinking about Michael. I stare out the window onto the foggy soccer field.
"Miss Shailene, may you please give me the Answer to the question?" Mr Malachi yells
"Um" I looks Around the room to see if there is any clues to what the question was
"So I thought" Mr Malachi says under his breath
I look at the window again, I think to myself, What if I jumped? Who would care? I consider doing it but decide not to because jumping out a window during science class wouldn't be a very well executed suicide.
"Homework please, everyone who has failed the completion of homework will see me after class" Mr Malachi gives me a dirty look and then collects all homework.
Bell goes and everyone stands up and heads to the door
"Hey SHAILENE!" Mr Malachi yells
He waits until there is no one left
"Okay you scumbag, why have u not done your homework? It's pretty fucking easy. I will be discussing with your stepdad about this." He slaps me across the face and pushes me towards the door.
As soon as I leave the classroom, tears flood my eyes. I walk to my locker, trying to conceal my tears.
23,47,11 my locker springs open, this time no books fall out, I grab out my English and math book. I slam my locker shut and snap the lock back on. My phone buzzed
I unlock my phone and go to messages
It's a text.... From Michael!
Hey! Still up for Friday?
I open my keyboard and start to type
Yup! Can't wait
I hesitate, I've never texted a guy! What.... How should I reply? After minutes of arguing with myself I press send.
I can't stop smiling, then it dawned on me...... Today is Friday! Does Michael mean today? Or next week? OMG I am freaking out right now!
Hey sorry I meant this evening, if it wouldn't be too much to ask? I'll pick u up a 7?
Phew! I'm glad that's sorted
I reply, a little too quickly

There are a million question running through my mind, What should I wear? How am I going to tell my parents? How should I have my hair? How will he dress?
Should I ask him how I should dress?

I open my phone and text Michael
Dress code?

And in a flash he texts back

Casual :)

As I walk home I think about what has happened today, Michael, getting slapped, finishing my math assignment. I do this because it takes my mind off of things.

My shoes are still wet from the rain. As I walk home I pray that it stays sunny, I'm really not in the mood for a fully clothed shower.

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