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'....'= thoughts                                                                                                                                                                          "...."= speech

 "It was a pleasure meeting you Young Master and Miss" Wei Ying offered his brightest smile binding everyone around him. "Please excuse Zixuan's actions, we would be more than happy to share this inn. Right Zixuan?"  a pout covered Wei Ying's face pleading Jin Zixuan to accept his offer. Young Master Jin was caught off guard. He was yet to be immune to Wei Ying's puppy eyes, trying to debate quickly, his mouth spoke for itself.

"Sure...." he turns around making way to the innkeeper. Surprised by the sudden agreement Jiang Cheng staggered back 'That peacock actually agreed?....hah'. His eyes begin to linger at the man in front of him, observing how he naturally walked around as if he owned the place, how a smile was always plastered face regardless the situation 'Just who is he?'  pondering on the topic, his thoughts were interrupted by his sister calling for him.

"A-cheng, are you alright?" a worried look was given towards him. Yanli obviously noticed his strange behaviour. "Come we should settle before it get too late." listening to her words Jiang Cheng followed his sister shrugging off his thoughts.

"Yeah, you're right jie.."







In Cloud Recesses:

To Lan Qiren,

I would like to inform that my disciple is attending lesson at Cloud Recesses. He is greatly excited to study under you. Unfortunately for sensible reasons I will not reveal his identity due to the fact he wishes to study alongside others fairly, do not fret upon the last day I will personally come to pick him up. However if there are problems in between I will not hesitate to bring him back.

with pleasure,

Baoshan Sanren

"hmph" a groan is heard from a middle aged man dressed elegantly in white, sitting up straightly stroking his goatee as he reads the letter once again. Beside him a young man with round brown eyes, hair draped perfectly over his shoulders with curious look painted on his face.

"What is it Uncle? something perhaps bothering you?" the young man asks slightly tilting his head. His uncle turns his head looking at his nephew, then releasing a sigh.

"Baoshan Sanren is sending her disciple...." he says cautiously, immediately his nephew's face lit up but quickly darkened, " But.. for reasons his identity is unknown."

"It can't be too bad, I'm sure the disciple is greatly educated and will be very polite." the young man said obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"I doubt it Xichen...I doubt it." 

Confusion came upon Lan Xichen, 'I wonder what Uncle means'








" What are you doing in Caiyi town?" Jin Zixuan trying to not come off rude asks.

" I'm going to study in Cloud Recesses, you?" Wei Ying replies. Turning behind him seeing Jin Zixuan's mouth agape with disbelief shimmering in his eyes.

"You? Studying at Cloud Recesses.." he laughs, regaining his senses looking towards Wei Ying "Nice joke."

"It's not a joke though." Wei Ying innocently giggles at his friend.


511 word count.

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