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"Saito Mina to the principal's office!" a voice announced over the intercom. Mina stuffed her bookbag in her locker and slammed it shut before marching downstairs to the principal's office.

Passing the threshold, she caught the gaze of the boy sitting in one of the chairs in front of the principal's desk. He was holding a tissue on his nose with his head slightly tilted backward. The tissue had red spots on it.

"Take a seat." Principal Suh instructed, gesturing to the empty seat in front of his desk. Mina did as she was told and sat next to the boy with a bloody nose. The constant bouncing of her leg and the picking at her nails didn't go unnoticed.

"Would either of you like to tell me what happened in the hallway this morning?"

Neither of the students in front of him even bothered opening their mouths. Mina couldn't even bring herself to look at the boy next to her. Huang Renjun, her ex-best friend, and current academic rival. However, their rivalry had turned into something more severe over the years.

Which is part of the reason she had just punched him in the face.


Mina was already high-strung when she entered the school building this morning. She was unloading her bookbag and gathering her books for class when Renjun "accidentally" bumped into her and knocked her books out of her hand.

This was it. Mina had reached her breaking point. In a blinded rage, she formed a tight fist and launched her hand directly at his nose. Renjun immediately felt a liquid coming out of his nose. He wiped under his nose and looked at his hand to see blood.

Mina had just punched one of the most popular guys in school in front of everyone, but she turned around and picked up all of her books like nothing even happened.

Renjun was actually quite stunned by her reaction. Normally, Mina would just say some nasty words to him and make him pick the books up. He eventually walked down to the nurse's office because he was concerned for himself. (He was not embarrassed at all.)


Snitching was not Renjun's thing, so he was surprised when Principal Suh called Mina to the office without even asking him who punched him.

"Since neither of you wants to talk," Principal Suh starts. "Miss Eunbin, would you mind?" Mina's eyes roll as Kwon Eunbin appears in the doorway.

How does she make a school uniform look so good? Mina mentally asks herself while scanning the girl from her long, black hair to her spotless, white sneakers.

It didn't matter how pretty she was, though. It didn't take away from the fact that she's bratty, stuck-up, and just plain annoying. She also just so happens to be Renjun's girlfriend.

"Yes, Mr. Suh. Mina punched Renjun in the nose, for no reason at all. Personally, I feel like she's too unstable to be here at school and should be sent home immediately." Eunbin suggested, even though no one asked what she thought.

"That's enough, Eunbin. Thank you, you can get back to class now." Mr. Suh instructed the girl. He waits until the door is completely shut before turning to the students in front of him.

"Now, I know better than to think that Mina attacked you completely unprovoked. So, Renjun, would you like to fill in the rest of the story?"

Mina scoffed lightly under her breath, concealing a smirk.

"I accidentally bumped into her and she dropped her books. Then, she punched me. Mr. Suh, I'm fine, so can we just go to class?" Renjun asked impatiently.

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