~Chapter eight~

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Clark POV:

As we are driving home to get ready to head to Lana and Kyle's in about two hours I figure we have some time to kill. I turn into the parking lot of a small park in the center of town that I used to visit all the time when I was younger, just to take a break from everything. "I thought we were going home" Lois says curiously. "We are I just wanted to make a stop, come on It'll be fun I'll show you" I said.

I take her hand as we walk down the cement path through the park. A few people were around mostly parents with their kids near the playground or older folks on sitting on benches feeding the birds. I lead Lois onto the freshly cut grass and sit down, I pat the ground next to me she sits willingly and looks around the place. I look at her, something about her separates her from every other person in the world. She can look at you and you just can tell she always has a million thoughts in her head but yet you're the only thing she's thinking about at the moment. She acts like time freezes when she's with you, like there's nothing else happening.

We sit in silence on the grass for a bit just taking everything in. I hadn't been here in forever, it feels like I've been so busy with everything, I can't get a break. It's nice to go to a place where nothing's relying on you and you can just relax. Lois lays on her back with her head resting on my lap and just looks at the sky. "The clouds look so fluffy and soft from down here but when your up in the sky it's like a whole other world. It's surreal, I don't know, I think about that sometimes specifically the fact that people don't even get as close to them as I have. They don't know what the other half is like up there" she mumbles.

I look down at her, the sun hitting her face just right, making her eyes shine and look like emeralds and the ocean. She takes my breath away every time I look at her and I wonder how I got to be so lucky and make her my wife. I mean I remember being so nervous to ask her out on a date, I didn't want to mess up, but thankfully she took a chance on the quiet new guy from work and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Lois POV:

I'm looking up at Clark as we sit in silence on the cool grass. I decide to ask if he wants to start walking back to the truck since we don't have much time before we have to get home and be ready for tonight. He shrugs his shoulders "sure why not" he replied. He stands up and extends his arm to pull me up off the ground. I grab his hand, he then pulls me up so fast I collide into him I wrap my arms around him so I don't fall. "Sorry I forgot my own strength" he said mildly amused at himself. He puts his chin on my head while his arms rest on my shoulders.

He smells like home and the faint scent of lilac from our laundry detergent. It's comforting to be in his arms, I feel safe, like nothing can get to me and everything is calm. He takes my hand as we start walking back to the truck when I feel a drop of water land on us. I looked around but it wasn't raining and then I saw it, the sprinklers were on. Clark smiled and pulled me under the stream of water "What are you doing we'll get all soaked" I shrieked. "I know that's the point, we have to change anyways we might as well have some fun" he laughed. I roll my eyes he has a point I guess, but I'll never let him know that. Clark then grabs my hand and drags me into his arms.

The water is cold but refreshing, since Smallville is usually warm until later in the year so for it being October it was warm outside. My hair is soaked along with everything else. Clark takes his hand and moves my hair out of my face. I stand on my toes so I can put my arms around his neck I pull him in and kiss him. So many thoughts race through my head like how he takes my breathe away when he smiles or how he cares about our family so deeply.

He still gives me butterflies when he looks at me or when he laughs it's like electricity going up my spine. I can't help but smile in the middle of kissing him, his lips are a bit warmer than mine probably due to the fact we are still standing in cold water "I love you so much" I whisper. He smiles back "I love you more" he mumbles then pulls me in and kisses me softly just like he did the first time we kissed. It brings so many memories back of our relationship. My mind is racing but when our lips connect everything goes blank I'm just sucked into the moment like it's only us.

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