~Chapter four~

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Lois POV:

I wake up around six in the morning feeling slightly better than last night. My head was still on Clark I moved slightly to get a little more comfortable and he woke up. He immediately asked if I was ok or if I needed anything. My eyes started filling with tears he pulls me closer and he moves the hair in my eyes away from my face. He repeats his question if I need anything I shake my head and just faintly say I don't feel well. Clark kisses my forehead and replies I know baby I'm sorry maybe you should go see a doctor. I ask him if we can just wait and see how I am later. He nods and we fall back asleep.

Clark POV:

I wake up three hours later around 9 starving I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and in the evening I fell asleep early. I'm not even sure when Lois last ate anything, I get up carefully so I don't wake Lois. I walk quietly out the door and downstairs the boys are down in the kitchen making cinnamon rolls the ones you keep in the fridge then just put them into the oven to cook. Jonathan looks up from what hes doing on his phone and asks how Lois is. 

I told the boys the truth because I feel like I shouldn't lie to the boys especially not now. I tell them she woke up a couple times during the night because her fever kept getting better and then worse again but currently shes sleeping. Jordan pulls the cinnamon buns out of the oven and says "well hopefully she'll feel better when she wakes up". I walk over to him and give him a hug then mess his hair up with my hand a little bit. We sit down and eat some cinnamon rolls and talk about their plans for today.

Lois POV:

I wake up around 10 feeling worse than I have in a long time I can feel my head pounding. I notice Clark isn't here he's probably downstairs with the boys. The room starts spinning and I feel very lightheaded I take deep breaths and try to ground myself but everything is all blurry. I try and sit up to see if it would help, it did a little but not enough. I'm leaning against our bed headboard putting my hands over my eyes to block out the light but nothings really helping. I yell out for Clark there isn't anything he can really do but I need him right now.

 He runs in but so did the scent of food from the kitchen. I cover my mouth and grab the trash next to the bed as I throw up Clark runs over and holds my hair out of my face. When the nausea goes away just enough that I don't feel like I'm going to be sick every second Clark goes and gets me some water and a few crackers. He asks me if I want some water or crackers really anything I shake my head if I talk I'm afraid I'll get sick again. I lay on my side facing the left side of the room where the trash is just in case.

 Clark says softly "you might feel better if you at least drink some water babe at least you wouldn't be so dehydrated". I sit up and take a sip of water then lay back down. He says "I'm worried about you I've never seen you this sick before, your either throwing up or sleeping". I nod and he starts rubbing my back he knows it helps with my stomach pain. My eyes are drooping and my whole body feels heavy like there is a weighted blanket on me I give in and fall asleep.

Clark POV:

I look down at Lois sleeping she looks pale again. Shes sweating and looking like shes in pain I feel bad that I cant do anything. The boys come up to the room to tell me they're going to Sarah's I ask them to thank Lana for me they nod and leave. I have to call Sam so I won't get calls about "National emergency's" that the DOD can handle by themselves. I decide to text Sam fully expecting him to say something along the lines of "if we need you we need you no excuses" instead he responds with "John can cover for you I understand, Lois never gets this sick even when she was younger she was strangely healthy actually so just take care of my girl".

Lois POV:

I wake up feeling a bit better to find Clark doing some of my paper work I laugh and say wow you really cant take the reporter out of Superman now can you. He looks over and smiles I see someones feeling better he says. I say a bit and I'm really hungry which surprised me because the thought of food made me gag earlier but now I'm just hungry. Clark smiles and says be right back then leaves. I wonder to myself how I got lucky enough to fall in love with him. He comes back with some toast I just look at him sitting next to me honestly I could stare at him all day.

 Most people could stare at him all day actually but not the way I do. All they see is his looks don't get me wrong my husband is very attractive but I stare at him as a whole that most people don't even think about. He is the most caring person I have ever met, he would do anything for his family and he isn't this self absorbed person in fact he is the most selfless person. He looks at me and asks what I'm staring at oh nothing just my husband I respond. Clark laughs and shakes his head then bites a piece of toast I was eating. I look at him and he smiles I say you know you can have the other piece. "Nah I think I'm good with stealing yours" he replies then takes the other piece we just sit there for the rest of the night talking about some of the work he did for me.

Clark POV: I wake up around 3 AM which has happened a lot since Lois has been sick I just wake up every few hours and listen to her heart rate its kind of like a reflex I don't mean to do it but its like my brain has and alarm every two hours. Currently her hearts slightly faster than normal but I decided it was fine since it was still in her normal range and went back to sleep. Around 4 I got woken up by Lois softly groaning like she was in pain while she was sleeping.

 I was worried and didn't know if she was ok and needed something or just having a bad dream. I gently touched her arm and shook her awake. She immediately opened her eyes, leaned over the side of the bed as fast as she could and got sick in the trash. I held her hair out of the way while slowly rubbing her lower back. She sat back up trying to catch her breath her face was pinkish red and hot. I used my freeze breath and blew on her face slightly so my breath wouldn't turn to ice but it would be colder than a normal persons would. She looked slightly more comfortable afterwards but not much.

This time she was sick wasn't like the others way usually she felt a bit better after throwing up but this time she just grabs her stomach and slightly leans forward kind of like she was hugging herself and she was putting pressure on it. She laid back down but couldn't sleep. I look at her, I can see the pain in her eyes. She's crying I ask if there was anything I could do to help she shakes her head. I pull her closer and she mumbles that she's sorry I ask her what for she whispers "for being sick and worrying you and sleeping a lot". I stop her and reply you always take care of me and the boys taking care of you is the least we can do.

Lois POV:

We sit and cuddle for a while then Clark asks how I'm feeling again. I respond with I'm not sure I know I'm feeling really light headed, my stomach hurts but not like a stomach ache its hard to describe the feeling exactly and I'm still super nauseous. He suggests we should go to the hospital later so they can try and figure out whats wrong or at least hydrate me with an IV. I agree to go even though I hate hospitals something about them freaks me out but Clark is right the least they could do is give me fluids with an IV.

Clark POV:

 I sigh with relief when Lois agreed to go to the hospital later I know she hates the doctors let alone the hospital so she wouldn't go unless she knew she needs to. We try and get some sleep. It wasn't very successful since most of the night we fell asleep then a few minutes later we would get woken up because Lois kept getting these intense sharp pains in her stomach what she described "as someone stabbing her in the stomach". I was awake with her most of the night trying to keep her comfortable. 

A/N: UR A HOMOSEXUAL BEING (phoenix and benji Ur welcome) hiiiii this chapters long but basically they are important they aren't just fillers so enjoy :)

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