oh lord not again

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So like I had this idea like what if when you get married to a adepti, you become one. They bless you with powers and stuff also too.


For those that know Aether's VA, your gonna like this one.

Xiao went looking for ingredients to cook with, while his lover was asleep in their little sandy beach adeptial abode. While looking around Qingce Village for some Jueyun Chilis, he ran into some trouble with treasure hoarders. Of course, his lover sensed the danger and disposed of them quickly, even though the raven is a adepti himself and could've done the same.

"I love you Aether, but you really need to stop using those enhanced senses of yours when you're sleeping IN THE TEAPOT. AND I SWEAR THE SMELL ONE IS YOUR STRONGEST."-X

"You have a problem with my sense of smell? I had that since I was little, and I have used it wisely."-A

"Nope, it just scares me greatly. The ability to know what I am cooking from all the way up on the top of Jueyun Karst and over is just scary to me."-X

"Your just sad that you can't surprise me anymore with food."-A


The blond laughed while the raven was pouting in a corner. Aether found it cute how his lover was trying to surprise him and kissed him on the head. The raven covered his face in embarrassment with a pinkish red face and went to bed for the night.

But those senses did help a lot in certain situations, like when Xiao got sick and was coughing up something bad. Or when a child was harmed with a blade to be left dead. The blond has other enhanced senses, like sound , but the most noted one was his way of smelling from a unusual range.

On a person, he could smell their personality and describe it perfectly with food and scents. On close and loved ones, he could smell who was doing what and what was around them. It's complicated but it will make use.


The raven had woken up and disappeared out of Aether's sight. A scent of blood had come soon after he vanished, and the blond got worried and ran to look for him. His spear was gone so that meant he went to go fight something outside. The blond
didn't care if he woke anyone up from their sleep.

A blood curling scream could be heard from outside.

Now Aether was really worried. Everything was now filling his head with terrible thoughts as he was running to the scent of blood and where he heard the scream. A terrible sight was before him:

A cryo abyss mage, laughing while his lover was bleeding out with ice spikes in his limbs. This couldn't be true, the great Vigilant Yaksha was defeated in battle, greatly wounded.

"Why Xiao?"-A

The raven jolted his head upwards to look at his loved one. He had a weak smile that said "help me, I'm wounded really bad" and eventually fell to the grass, only to see the moon shine bright on the stars.

The blond got out his sword in blind rage and tried to slash off the head of this small, but strong, demon for hurting who he loved most. It was a mission he must complete in time, or someone dies.

Damn I now want to make a book out of this 🤔.

604 words

Xiao x Aether one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now