"Shall we take a break?" He lower himself to her and Monarch looks at him with tired eyes. Y/N smiles softly and helps her up.

"Timothy made chess cake for you." The Shipgirl looks at the Meowfficer behind Y/N's leg. The little officer is flustered in embarrassment.

"You did a number here." The Commander put his jacket on the sand as cover and open the box with the chess cake in it. Y/N gives her a piece of the chess cake and two pieces to Timothy and Boo beside him.

"Will I die?" After a long stare at her piece, she asks the question that will impact her life.

"In public eyes, no. In the HQ's eyes, then yes."

Boo hides with her small wings while Timothy halts eating his handmade chess cake. Monarch stare at Y/N as he looks over to the sea with a relaxed expression.

"However, I will stop them. Your life matter like humans." Monarch looks at him in a baffle. She did not expect him to say that even he did someway before.

But the confirmation makes her feel something.

"Thanks." She looks away and takes a bite of the chess cake. Y/N hums and looks at the sea with a hidden intention behind his eyes.


Enterprise enters the office. Her facial expression tells her mood. The Commander set his last reports together and look at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

"Do you have time?"

"Got time to eat, would you join me?" The Shipgirl nods and follows him to the cafeteria.

"I will leave soon as the HQ has requested my presence. You already know that, right?"

Enterprise avoids his eyes and eats the MRE bar with a guilty look. Y/N knows she took the file. The Commander chuckles and eats his sandwich.

"What will happen if Iron Blood finds guilty?" He looks up at her, when around him. The remaining Shipgirls of the base stare at him, as the news has flashed around the base.

"Termination. High Council has already lost their hair from frustration due to Iron Blood's continuation of hybridization Siren tech with Wisdom Cubes."

"So you are letting HQ kill them?" The sleepy Shipgirl, Laffey appears with her tired look. Curling tightly around a beret.

"Who knows, I will head to HQ and see if there is any worth saving them." Suddenly someone slam his head against the table with her Riggings locked unto him.

"Cleveland!" Enterprise shouts and Helena quickly pulls the angry Shipgirl away.

"You are actually sick! Are you really letting them kill them?! What about us then? Are we also some scrap metal to you!?" Y/N sighs and clean his face with a handkerchief.

"I will be gone for four days, maybe a week if the whole problem explodes in their faces." He throws the handkerchief over the restrain Cleveland and walks out of the cafeteria.

Enterprise look at her fellow Shipgirls. They look down by the stuck realization of them being someone to toss than a comrade in arms like normal people would anyone fighting the enemy.

"Tch." She run after the Commander with an annoyed expression.

"I am here." Enterprise turns around and sees Y/N is feeding the Meowfficers and Manjuus. She takes a breather and steps over to him.

"You are going to save Iron Blood, correct?"

"Yeah..." Y/N pats Boo and looks up to the sky. Sunset. Truly a view to enjoy and forget in such a situation as he and the other Shipgirls are in.


"Yes?" They look at each other and Enterprise's lips move. For a moment, Y/N's mind freezes in shock. He does not respond and falls to his knees within a short breath.

"Commander?!" Enterprise tries to help him, but Y/N slaps her hand away with confused eyes.

"Stay back. She is here."

"Who?" Then out of the blue, a shadow hovers over them. The Commander curl his hands over him in fear and Enterprise's widened in shock.



Enterprise gets knocked out and the person glares at the one who knocked Grey Ghost out. She looks at the woman with an emotionless look.

"I will assist you."

The person nods and pulls her cloak over herself and vanish with the wind. The woman looks at the two people on the ground. The Commander fell cold due to the panic attack and Enterprise got knocked out by the bat.

The woman looks at the Meowfficers and Manjuus. They have fallen unconscious too with the sleeping pills in their food.

She looks to the sunset and sighs.

The day is just a quiet one.

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