Chapter 5: Witch Hunter

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3 years prior

Willow was sitting outside of Principal Bump's office, waiting while her dad talked with him. This was the first time she had gotten in trouble at school, and she didn't know how to feel.

She looked to her left, where on the bench sat a pointy haired kid with black hair, who happened to be in the Illusion Coven. She didn't know what to day or do.

Earlier in the day, there had been a test in Abomination class, where each of the students had to show their progress by creating an Abomination. Of course, Amity aced the test, passing colors and everything, while most of the others could barely form the top half of the gooey servants they created.

Willow, put bluntly, sucked with Abominations. It was bad enough that she was a late magic bloomer, but her Abomination's were either barely there or disfigured entirely. Today was no different, and she was being scolded. At least, until her Abomination grew into a full grown being, and managed to grow taller than Amity's.

The teacher looked down, noticing Willow still had a spell going.

"How are you doing that, Ms. Park?" The teacher asked. Before she could respond with more than an uhh, the Abomination disappeared into thin air, right then and there.

Somebody grunted loudly. The entire class turned to the sound, almost synchronized. There, on the ground, lay a tiny boy Illusionist, hand pointed in the air as if he had been casting his spell.

Two hours later, and they were both waiting for their punishments, for cheating magical tests would not go unpunished.

Willow had been watching the boy discreetly for a bit now. He kept fidgeting, clearly feeling the stress more than she did. After all, being the new kid who was two whole years younger than everyone else meant you had a reputation, one that even Willow herself had heard about, and this could make things harder for he boy.

Willow recalled that she saw him interact with very few people so far. Maybe he didn't have many friends.

But considering he had tried to help her pass an exam, one that she was horribly failing, she took pity. She stuck out her hand, taking the younger boy out of whatever trance he was in.

"H-Hi," Willow said, "Thank you for earlier. My name's Willow." The boy had a shocked look on his face, probably meaning her sudden introduction was foreign to him. "What's your name?"

"Augustus," the boy said, "Augustus Porter." He took Willow's hand in his own, and started shaking it. 

The two smiled.

Present Day

"Aaahhhhh!" Gus screamed. Gus and Willow had been trying to make their way through the city, when one of the weird robot creatures invading Bonesborough had located them. At least Gus could actually run, since his stomach had calmed down. Of course, another appeared right in front of their path.

Willow glanced to her left. "Come on, Gus!" She grabbed his hand, pulling him into the alley right next to them.

The two quickly realized the mistake they had made. The alley was blocked off at the end, instead of creating a path between the houses like Willow thought they would. Behind them, the two robots began closing in, one flying above, one walking on the ground.

Willow formed a spell circle, and the resulting vines that came from the ground blocked off the path for the robot on the ground. Before she could do anything else, a blue mist began covering them. She turned around to see Gus creating more of the Illusionist mist with his own spell.

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