Bonus: I'm Sorry

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Imagine if they'd actually found Dream before the Suspiro twins had. Think about it, because I sure have :D

...Look at that beautiful intro, haha

No, this doesn't follow the timeline

George had been the first to find him.

Days of constant, non-stop searching had finally yielded fruit when George stumbled into the village, his horse trailing behind him. He, Bad, and Sapnap had split three ways --- Bad going to Guerrier to search, as well as continue to hide from castle knights and those who wanted him and Skeppy dead; Sapnap in Superiora, sweeping through the forests and villages there. 

And George? George was in Suspiro, tripping from one village to the next, asking if anyone had seen him.

No one had. Of course, he couldn't ask outright if they'd seen Dream. His reputation preceded him wherever he went. George had made the mistake of trying a couple days ago, and had been shooed rather roughly out of the village he'd been asking around in. The look in the eyes of the man who'd shoved him out was one of pure terror.

Of course. He should've known. It was a mistake on his part, and he mentally chided himself for it.

That was when he'd seen her.

A lady with auburn hair, almost golden in the sunlight, who'd stared fiercely at him when he'd been asking around. George could almost feel her gaze burning into his skin. Like an idiot, he'd looked away first. When he looked back, she was already gone, her footprints lost in the wave of others that looked identical.

She'd been so angry at his questions. Angry, and... 


She had to have known exactly who he was searching for.

An irritated sigh escaped George as he sat down in the snow, his back pressed against a tree. The village stood a ways from him, its lights flickering. It was already nighttime. He knew he needed to keep moving, to go to the next village, but something about that lady had made him stop. His description of Dream had hit a cord in her, he was sure of it.

Dream. George bit his lip as he traced shapes in the white snow beside him. Each flake seemed to sparkle in the light of the houses, twinkling like the gemstones his father had sometimes let him play with. He still wasn't used to the cold, but he was willing to endure it if it meant he'd be able to find his friend again.

Months of waiting had finally led up to him waking up. George couldn't let all that time go to waste by losing Dream again.

That is, if he even managed to find him once more.

He sighed, punching the snow. Cold seeped into his hand and he jerked it out immediately. Even the snow hates me, he thought glumly. This sucks.

Then again, he had punched it unfairly. For every wrong, there was a right.

George got up onto his feet and stretched, shaking his head. He needed to find that lady, whoever she was. She had something to do with Dream, he was sure of it. He just needed to change tact and ask around for her.

It was strange to have hope again. But George couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face as he marched into the village once more, driven by a new sense of purpose. He stopped at the first stand he came to, where a burly, bearded man stood beside tall dressers and what looked like a half-made chair. 

"Hello," George said politely. "Do you know where I can find a certain woman with red hair and a really mean glare?"

The man stared down at him, which was unnerving, seeing how much taller and more muscular he was. "You don't want anything to do with her," the cabinetmaker said stoutly.

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