Chapter Eleven

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George couldn't help but stare at the horses.

They were right there. He could pull out some coin and be on his merry way, riding on horseback, saving his feet from the relentless journey. He could hold onto the bridle and reminisce about how things used to be, when everything was okay. 

Sure, he wasn't too eager to count something like "chasing-after-a-very-dangerous-man-who-also-happens-to-very-much-want-us-dead" as okay, but things had been right. The three of them, all in it together. He'd known exactly who he was, what his roles and responsibilities were, and a good enough summary of what their goal was to move forward.

George stroked the fuzzy muzzle of the chestnut-colored horse in front of him and sighed. Now, he was never too sure what he was supposed to be doing. Finding Dream? That was such a vague goal that George wanted to laugh at himself. But at the same time, he didn't know what else to do. It wasn't as if he could put up a poster of Dream's face and name with the words, "LOST --- IF FOUND, PLEASE RETURN TO PRINCE GEORGE OF KINGDOM SUPERIORA".

Besides, Dream's name was notoriously well-known with a bad reputation. He couldn't just sidle up to someone and be like, "Hey, have you met my terrifying assassin friend recently?"

He lowered his hand and stepped back. The horse whinnied in protest. George gave it a sad smile. "I'm sorry. If I buy you now, I'll reach a place where I'll have to leave you, and you'll freeze to death in the snow."

The thought made him sad. His first horse, No... had it died already? He didn't want to consider that.

"Looking at the horses again?" a voice said from beside him.

George looked over at Sapnap, who had appeared next to him, gazing up at the horses as well. "Yeah," George said, turning his attention back to the beasts towering above him. "I just... it would be so much easier."

Sapnap reached out his hand. George watched as the warrior placed it on the snout of the horse George had just been petting, who immediately softened to the man's touch. Traitor, George thought with a twinge of annoyance. 

"You know we can't," Sapnap said. "For the sake of the horses."

"I know," George sighed. "We should really invest in some animals that can travel and live in the winter easily. Maybe some selective breeding? I could look into it after this is all finished."

He didn't miss the quiet snicker from the man beside him. "What?" he asked irritably.

Sapnap shook his head. "Nothing. It's just... even now, with all the pressure of looking for Dream, you're still searching for ways to better improve your kingdom."

George stared at him for a solid second before turning away and marching off. Stupidly, he could feel his cheeks heating up. 

"Wait, isn't that the name of your kingdom, George?"

"It's not my kingdom, and it's called Superiora, not Suspiro."

He closed his eyes. Every memory... he could see it all clearly. Right there, right in front of him. 

"How big is your kingdom? Like, actually."

"Really big, and again, it's not my kingdom."

"It will be soon."

George opened his eyes, looking over his shoulder at Sapnap. "For the last time, it's not my kingdom." But, as you --- and Dream --- would say... "Not yet."

Sapnap blinked, then smiled. "Right."


Seven villages. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.

Even in his own kingdom, George lost count of the number of villages they visited.

He hadn't ever considered how many there were in Superiora. Compare that to Suspiro and Gurrier, and if they were especially unlucky, then the kingdoms beyond... well, George really wanted to give up.

It must've been showing on his face, because Sapnap reached over and poked his cheek, an annoyed expression on his face. "Stop it."

George scowled at him. "I'm not doing anything, you idiot."

"You are," the warrior insisted. "You're regretting your life decisions."

Immediately, he could feel his face heat up. Sapnap raised his eyebrows, like You see? Your face is showing how you feel.

"I'm not," George said, his scowl deepening. "Look, I would never regret searching for my friend. I know he's still out there, and I will find him."

Sapnap considered him for a second, then scoffed. "George, I can see the look on your face. You think this is hopeless. You think we'll never find him. You think we're on a wild goose chase."

Actually, George thought they had a slim chance of finding Dream, not none at all. But Sapnap was close enough to his thoughts that it made him uncomfortable. "That's not true."

The man stopped walking. George stopped walking as well. Sapnap leaned forward, sticking his face right up in front of George's. He could see the anger in the man's eyes, and as much as he hated to admit it... it scared him. It reminded him of Dream. It was the look of someone who had been offended on a galactic level. 

"Don't lie to me, Gogy," Sapnap said, his tone sickeningly sweet, but the smile on his face didn't quite reaching his frosty eyes. "You think I don't understand the scale of what we're doing? We're searching for a man with absolutely no idea where he is. But you know what? I don't care. He's my best friend as well as yours. I'd flip a universe to find him. I'd battle a god to find him. Whatever it takes, because I know that Dream would do the same for me."

He straightened up, staring down at George cooly. For the first time, George really noticed the height difference between the two of them. He always knew he was the shortest out of the three of them --- Dream being ridiculously tall --- but now, he was really feeling it.

He was the prince. He had immense power. But as Sapnap glared down at him, his grey eyes looking like they were about to pierce through George's body, he felt afraid.

"I want to give up," George said plaintively. 

Sapnap nodded. His voice softened. "I know."

"I know we can't give up." 

"I know."

George's hands clenched into fists at his sides. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Gods, he was so weak. Why couldn't he just be stronger? Stronger will, stronger body... it was never enough. Inside, he was still just a scared little boy, and he hated that.

"I know he'd look for me forever if I had disappeared," he said. "He'd never stop, because he's Dream."

Sapnap nodded again. "Yeah, he's Dream. But you're George. You're you, and that's what matters."

Since when did Sapnap become such a good therapist? George wondered inside, even though he knew it was just to distract himself. He's kind of good. I'm somewhat impressed.

They fell into a lapse of silence, their steps picking up again. They were heading towards a forest, which meant they were along the heavily-wooded left side of the kingdom, next to the Guerrier border. They'd already moved through a third of Superiora. 

"Did I scare you?" Sapnap asked suddenly.

George's head jerked up. "What?"

Sapnap snickered. "Dream always had this scary aura around him. I'm just thinking about what happened and what I said, and I feel like I was so badass right then."

"Well, maybe you were," George huffed, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "What do you want me to say? 'Good job'?"

"Yes," the warrior said with a broad grin. "Congratulate me. I'm incredible."

George shook his head and sighed again, but still, he muttered, "Good job. You were great."

He couldn't deny the heavy shivers still running down his spine, after all.

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