Chapter 1

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I'm awoken by my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I pick up my pillow and squeeze it over my head, trying to block out the loud ring. "Honey? It's your last day of freshman year, you need to get ready," I hear my moms voice and her foot steps approaching me. She cuts my alarm clock off and sighs. Even though I can't see her, I know she put her hands on her hips and is shaking her head at me. A rush of air suddenly hits me when she jerks the covers off my bare legs.

"Moooom," I groan, still lying on my stomach with my head buried in my pillow. "I'll be up in a second..." I slur, drifting back into the glorious abyss of sleep.

A pair of hands wrap around my ankle and drag me off my bed, making me fall to the wooden floor with a loud thump. "Ow! Mom! What are you— oh," I cut myself off when I see the hazel eyes of my older sister Sabrina looking down at me, looking annoyed.

"I'm not going to let you make me late for school, so if you want a ride, I suggest you get your ass up," she tells me, then saunters out of the room, her perfect long blonde hair flowing behind her.

I stand up and start getting dressed for school. Today is the day I have been waiting for since school began—the day it ends.

I pull my blue Midtown High shirt over my head and lace up my black Converse, checking my outfit in the mirror one last time before I leave.

"Okay, let's go," I tell my sister and follow her down the stairs of the apartment, and out to her red Toyota Camry.

I take a deep breath in, inhaling the warm air and sweet, sweet smell of summer. Oh, how I love that smell. The smell of no teachers, no homework, no Flash Thompson. All of it finally within my grasp.

Sabrina parks at the school and I get out, walking to the doors and thrusting them open. The energy of the hallways has changed drastically since yesterday. Students are much happier now and the mood is lighter. A sense of impatience and excitement fills the air of the classrooms. Everyone is ready to get today over with so we can be free.

I finally get out of my last class and walk down the hallway lined with lockers. MJ is cleaning out her locker, which is right next to mine. The two of us have gotten pretty close within the past few months.

"The last day has finally come to an end," MJ says, shutting her locker door and leaning on it to face me. "What are your summer plans?"

Going on missions with the Avengers, trying to convince my mom to let me live at Avengers Tower part time, training, inventing, designing, programming. My summer is packed, but I can't very well tell MJ that. "Oh, I don't know. Probably read and watch TV." I finish cleaning out my locker and tell MJ I'll see her later, then walk to the chemistry classroom.

This is where I typically go to work on my projects while I'm still at school. Usually there aren't any other people in here. However, today there is one other person in here—Peter Parker. He shuffles some things around in his desk, then lifts his head up from his project and smiles at me. "Hey, y/n."

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