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The show had started out amazing, as most shows do, there were only minimal problems with the in ears, the lighting rig did well, the pyro was going off as scheduled, and no one had almost caught themselves on fire. The Relentless were having a blast, and the crowd seemed to be feeling the same way about the performance.

Everything seemed to be going great, until one person in the crowd decided to take every opportunity they could to be a dickhead.

"How are you doing tonight, Baltimore?" Johnny called out to the crowd, a pleased smirk on his face when he was met with ecstatic cheers in reply.

"FUCK YOU!" Someone near the barricade screamed when it got quiet, but the singer ignored him, people shouted stupid shit all the time, especially when they thought the sound of the other people screaming would cover it up only for them to go silent once they yelled it.

Johnny moved around the stage as he sang, smiling at fans, and glancing at his bandmates, mouthing jokes at them or making dumb faces to make them laugh during the solo.

"This next song is-"

"FUCKING FAGGOT!" The same man screamed, making Johnny tense, and bite down on the inside of his cheek, but again, he kept his mouth shut.

"This next song is We Lose Control!" He continued, looking back at Lily who rolled her dark eyes in annoyance, shaking her head at the jackass.

"He really went out of his way and paid this much money to get the the barricade just to act like an ass?" Leo joked, leaning in close to Johnny so he could hear him, the murmured words making the singer hum, and shiver.

"Apparently." Johnny replied with a smirk as he leaned his head back to rest on Leo's shoulder, closing his eyes, and arching his back as they both rocked out to Vic's solo. He knew that this interaction was probably making the guy in the crowd lose his shit, so that made Johnny very pleased.

Suddenly a soda bottle flew through the air, and hit Johnny square in the chest, it was still full and appeared to be unopened, so it nearly knocked the air from his lungs making him fall back into the Leo, who managed to keep the both of them upright. The guitarist made sure Johnny was ok, giving him a questioning look before he gently pushed him upright, and stepped around the taller man, glaring at the crowd since he already knew who had thrown it.

Johnny caught his arm, and gave him a warning look, silently asking him to not start anything, the last thing they needed was for their guitarist to get in a fist fight with someone in the crowd mid song.

Leo rolled his eyes, but nodded, turning away from the crowd, and making his way over to Vic, but still kept glancing over at the singer, and the fuckwad in the crowd. He wanted to rip that piece of shits head off.

Johnny tried to ignore the throbbing pain in his chest as he continued the song, the security doing absolutely nothing to stop the man or kick him out.

'I'm definitely going to have a bruise in the morning.' He thought to himself, trying not to wince when he had moved behind his bassist who had leaned back against him without thinking, shooting him an apologetic smile, and mouthed a quick sorry.

He could feel Leo's eyes on him as he moved across the stage, dropping down on his knees, and leaned back until his back was pressed against the ground, running his hand up his chest as he screamed into the microphone. It probably wasn't the best decision when he felt pain bloom across his chest at the movement, but it got the reaction he was hoping for from both the crowd, and Leo. His eyes burned into Leo's as he looked down at him with a dark smirk, playing the main riff of the song as he watched Johnny.

Johnny was like a siren, or an incubus when he was on stage, drawing people in, and making them want so much more as he prowled around the stage as he sang, and screamed, and despite what people thought, the band definitely wasn't unaffected by it, especially Leo.

Johnny arched up so he was sitting on his heels, staring back at the guitarist with a grin as he made his way back over to him. The song came to a close, and the crowd cheered, and screamed, but the singer was only focusing on his guitarist as he stood up.

He raised up to his feet, and placed his microphone back on its stand, but before he could speak, the heckler called out once again.

"FAGGOTS!" The man screamed, his face nearly purple with rage.

Johnny stared blankly for a moment before an idea came to him. "You know... if you really think that this show, and our songs are gay, you're gonna hate this." He said with a smirk before he turned, and made his way over to Leo, who was already grinning since it wasn't hard to figure out what his frontman had in mind.

Johnny gripped the back of Leo's head, and pulled him in for a rough kiss, their teeth clacking together as Leo slid his tongue into the other man's mouth, and wrapped an arm around his waist.

The frontman pulled back and grabbed the microphone off the stand as Leo leaned into his neck, nipping at the pale skin and tattoos as he spoke.

"Was that fucking gay enough for you, mother fucker?" Johnny roared over the shrill screams and cheers from the crowd, smirking when the heckler tried to climb over the barricade only to be slammed into the ground by security, and was dragged off presumably to the exit.

Johnny stepped back, and locked eyes with Leo, both grinning wildly at each other, adrenaline, and lust coursing through both of them before Johnny turned back to the crowd.

"Can't wait for that shit to be all over Twitter tomorrow." He joked to the crowd, a chorus of laughter following it. "Alright, this next song is Cadence of My Heart."

Leo watched him before he started playing, he wanted to fuck Johnny on the stage, but that wasn't an option, so he was just going to have to wait until the show ended, and they could go back to the bus.

Vic shook his head at them, but started playing the riff, and Dylan was still
laughing from behind his kit, but Lily watched the two men with a smirk.

'Oh yeah, they're definitely fucking after this.' The bassist thought to herself with an amused grin.


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