Naked Cuddles( Leo/Dylan)

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Bottles of alcohol littered the dressers and floor, drugs filling in any empty space, and smoke floating through the room like a thick fog.

Nude women were on the floor, against the walls, and across the bed, some freshly fucked, and high out of their minds, trying desperately to find their clothes amongst the many piles, and others were still in the throes of pleasure, or partaking in the mix of drugs and alcohol that filled the room.

This was the normal outcome of any hotel room that the Relentless stayed in.

Leo was on the end of the bed, a girl on either side of him, mouthing and biting at his neck, and one straddling his hips, riding him quickly. Dylan was at the head of the bed, humming in pleasure as a girl with a pixie cut sucked his cock, gagging as he forced her head down.

"Fuck, just like that, sweetheart." He growled, closing his eyes as his orgasm approached.

His back arched when he came down her throat, and he shoved her off of him, nearly knocking her off the bed.

Vic had dissapeared a while ago with with a couple of girls, and Johnny stood up unsteadily from the bed, still very naked, and hard as a rock, knocking the woman that had also been riding him off of his lap and onto her side, scooping Lily up into his arms, rubber cord still wrapped around her arm from shooting up, and giggled as she nipped and bit at his neck and jaw, they had their fun with the boys, now it was time for some alone time.

He stumbled through the adjoining door to their room, shoving a groupie back onto the bed when she tried to follow them.

"Aw, come on!" She whined from where she slid onto the floor next to the bed, pouting as the door slammed shut behind the singer and bassist.

Leo cackled at her reaction, turning his head to kiss the dark haired woman next to him, cursing when the one riding his screamed in delight as she came, her pussy tightening like a vice around his cock, following the stranger over the edge as well.

The front door opened and Hawk stepped  inside, annoyed frown spreading across his face as the debaucherous scene unfolded in front of him. "Alright, everybody that isn't in the band, get out, now." He said loudly, making the others groan.

"But I wanted a turn!" The woman to Leo's right whined in frustration, pushing the girl on top of him off, and sent her tumbling onto the floor, an indignant yelp falling from her lips as she landed on her ass.

"Stop fucking yelling, mate!" Dylan hissed, shoving his face into the pillow, nudging at the redhead next to him that was getting eaten out by another woman to make her get up, making her whine in annoyance.

Hawk huffed a laugh, and grabbed a pile of clothes, tossing them towards the bed, and helped a blonde girl on the floor next to the door to her feet, handing her a random shirt to put on.

"Vic was in the fountain with some twins, where's Lily and Johnny?" He asked, unbothered by the naked women surrounding him- being this band's tour manager meant you needed to be cool with nudity.

A shrill moan, and thumping against the wall caught his attention. "Fuck! Right there, Johnny! Right fucking there!" The familiar  voice of the band's bassist screamed in obvious pleasure as Johnny did... whatever it was that he was doing to garner that reaction.

"Never mind." Hawk snorted, herding the frustrated and inebriated girls out of the room, and into the hall, leaving Dylan and Leo alone in the room.

Once the door closed, Leo crawled up the mattress, and pressed his face into the pillow, shivering at the cold now that he wasn't surrounded by warm bodies.

These moments between the insanity of the rockstar life and sleep were always painful. The time to reflect on what was really going on in their lives and in the band sunk in no matter how high or how drunk they got.

"It's fucking freezing in here!" The guitarist complained, wrestling with the blankets until he got them pulled up to his chin, still shaking violently from the chill.

"Aww you need a cuddle to warm you up?" Dylan asked jokingly, yawning loudly as he rolled onto his side.

Leo glanced at the drummer, his hair covering his face, and sticking out in odd angles. "I mean... I wouldn't be opposed." He shrugged, he was mostly joking, but he wouldn't be mad if Dylan actually said yes.

Dylan stared at him then huffed, he was exhausted, and also a bit cold himself, if he was sober he wouldn't be considering it... but thankfully he wasn't, so he had absolutely no shame to speak of.

Not that he had shame then either, he just had a bit more forethought before he did things.

"Fuck it, fine; but I'm the big spoon!" He exclaimed, sliding closer to the guitarist, shoving at him until he flipped over to face the wall, and curled into his back, making sure his dick was nowhere near Leo's ass since they were both naked.

'We're close and all, but I have no intentions to get that close with him.' The drummer thought to himself as he threw an arm across the other man's waist.

Leo expected it to be more uncomfortable, but they lived in a glorified tin can ten months out of the year, so a bit of cuddling was nothing compared to that(or the literal orgy they just had together).

The two relaxed in the embrace, their breathing slowing to an even pace, and matched perfectly. The drugs and alcohol were coursing through their veins, and the post orgasm afterglow had both of them mellowed out, both drifting off to sleep.

"Ok, post orgy cuddle sessions definitely need to become a regular thing." Dylan mumbled into the guitarist's wild mane of honey brown curls, making Leo chuckle, and nod in agreement, that did sound good to him.

"If I wasn't exhausted, and if Lily and Johnny weren't still boning like rabbits, I'd suggest we take this snuggle party to the other room." Leo snorted, smiling when he felt the drummer shaking with laughter.

"If Hawk fishes Vic out of the fountain, he can join us." Dylan suggested, both giggling from the sleep deprivation, and drugs and alcohol.

"G'night, buddy." Leo mumbled, his eyes drooping closed.

"Night, Leo." Dylan replied, both men falling asleep.

Hawk pulled open the door with Vic thrown over his shoulder, and paused when he spotted the two British men curled up around each other.

"Whatever, they're in bed." He grumbled, tossing Vic onto the other bed, and closed the door behind him quietly so he didn't wake any of them up.


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