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It's paralyzing, she realizes. Everything numbs as the liquid travels through her limbs, dispersing from the outside to the center. Although it could've been meant to help her sleep with her wounds, his words do not ring very affectionate. She panics, standing in front of an unknown territory, the last time she had been injected something it had been a medical droid and it had been calculated.

Now, she had seen him push a quantity at random until he had judged it would be sufficient, yanking the syringe out. She wonders why she hasn't seen it earlier, why she has not bothered to look at what the droid had left. He was doing it so blindly. And it had been so much.

He stepped back for an instant and she used that moment of free space between them to jump off the counter and head to the room, trying to get a head start. She couldn't leave the quarters, not bruised as she was, not wrapped in a towel. Her feet were moving mechanically, remembering how to walk but not relying on a single sensation to do so, losing her balance several times as her toes disappeared from her range of motion.

She had not gotten very far, getting nervous from the foreign unpleasant sensation of losing limbs. She could still see them, they were there, her fingers were still attached to her hands, but she could not lift a single one, and soon, she couldn't clench her fist either.

Running had no purpose, it had never helped her to avoid violent ends. Instead, she stopped, with her heartbeat accelerating from the stress trying to undo the sedative that was slowing it down. She put her hand on the couch, trying to stay standing as her knees wobbled from under her, her harsh breathing making her ribs twang painfully.

He caught her there, half resting against the back of the headrest of the couch, trying to refrain from crying or passing out again. He did not even pretend to worry, he walked up to her calmly, passing her without giving her a glance to carry the small medicinal tray up to the bedside table.

She did not fully comprehend what the injection did, it had dulled her pain, she couldn't feel the cuts in her legs or the discomfort in her stomach. Thing is, she couldn't feel anything, anything at all. It was not the same thing as before, back then, it had made her drowsy and sleepy, it had calmed her and desensitized her brain. Now, she was still wide awake, she was fully conscious, it somehow made it worse. 

The parts that had numbed seemed like they did not exist anymore, she feared that soon she would crumble to the floor and have to stay there until it passed. He would leave her there, she thought in a horrible moment of stress, she belonged on the floor at the foot of the bed as the obedient pet she had become.

He came up to her, the things he had said mirrored in his face. I should've done that earlier and kept you tied on the bed, pump you full of cum until you're pregnant. She seized up, sensing that she would be shaking if it wasn't for the medicine, opting not to take a step away from him.

"I don't want to, Kylo please, not like this," she requested quietly, knowing what he was about to do and how it would affect her later. He did not care, he had set out to do something and he would finish it.

He bent to pick her up, throwing her over his shoulder even if it was quite a short distance to cross, disregarding her words of complaint. "Do you remember when we met? You were so silent. Yeah. I miss that," he said throwing her down on the bed. "Do I need to gag you?"

She shook her head, surprised that she could still feel most of her upper neck and her entire face, guessing the sedative didn't numb her head to avoid ruining nerves in the brain, or for his satisfaction to see her features contort as he fucked her.

She stayed where he had dropped her, not that there was any other option, with her back to the mattress and her arms splayed on either side of her head, her legs opened and spread as he knelt in between them, unbuttoning his coat. The towel she had been wearing was already undone, exposing her chest and stomach and the multitude of bruises she now had that turned her abdomen blue.

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