chapter 4

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“I-I can’t” I said, my head was down his green eyes were staring at me with such fire and curiosity, he looked frustrated but I don’t get why? I could slowly feel myself going into an anxiety attack, but breathed deeply to clam my self while he asked.

“what do you mean you can’t, why the hell not.” he walked to me. His jaw tightening. I sighed, oh well maybe they really can help me I thought to myself. Then I took a deep breath, “follow me.” I said and I lead them outside, I felt wind around me encouraging me to show them. If the elements were family the wind would be my parent, always there with simple gestures, I always listen to the wind. Fire would be my sibling, the older sister that would always be their for you. Water is my best friend, I feel water and it makes me happy, and earth would be my brother. My protector, earth would always defend me in a time of need.

I took a deep breath, and said without turning to them. “I can’t explain it to you because I can’t even explain it to myself, it would be so much easier if you just watch ok. I promise I will not hurt you.” they didn’t say anything, so I started.

I started with air, closing my eyes taking a deep breath, feeling my arms tingle and my lungs feeling with air, I spun it around and my hair was wiping wildly in the wind I was creating, I spun it around myself till I was lifted in to the air, they all gasped, then I slowly brought my self down and went on to fire. My arms and legs went hot and took on a glow like state. I started doing a back flips with wisp of fire making a whoosh noise as it went threw the air, I pushed the fire out and made it dance. I made swirls and circles, then wove it between them, I started on water next, making the fire disappear in the air. I rose both my hand in the air, then my hands became fluid and I shot it 100 feet in the air and it made it freeze and it came down in bits of snow. I herd more gasp and Kel started to giggle. Then I took for ice and made sculptures, a flower, a heart, a smiley face then a star. Then gave it to them. Next was earth, I fell to my knees took another deep breath, feeling the grass and the leaves pulsating, and placed my hands on the ground. I took the chunk of earth, the one I was standing on and lifted into the air, then I made a chunk of earth and rock into a sculpture, I made Michel Angelos’ David. Then I set the chunk of earth on the ground and opened my eyes.

“That was freaking awesome, Lee I can’t… it was… and you were…the snow… it’s fucking June and you made it snow.” Kellen made me smile, I never thought the first time, the first time in along time that I showed my ability to someone they would make me smile. Kellen was still smiling at me while both Mr. and Mrs. Wells were still frozen in shock, never knowing if they would move again, but the most shocking of all, was jay. He was smiling at me like I was the most amazing thing he as ever seen like I was not a freak but…special. I liked that feeling.

“I know weird right, I have always been able to do that, as far back as I can remember, I still have no clue how I do it I just can.” I kept my head down. But then arms flung around me, it was Kellen she looked me in the eyes. “ your safe now Lee, your secret is safe with us.” I looked around for everyone else’s reactions. and they all smiled and Nodded.

I did a dramatic sigh of relief.

(????? P.O.V.)

Walking in the bushes, I hate it the grass is itchy and sticks are way too pointy down here in the boondocks; but this needs to be done. I watched her little show and understood that she is the most powerful thing I have seen in all my days. She is just a child, and she is doing things not even a sorcerer cold do, and to think without any help she just does it.

I herd my partner come behind me. She gasped, yeah that was my reaction too. “she’s magnificent, I c-can’t believe it.” I looked at her and nodded. Knowing the signal everything went into action. We have to protect her, I locked eyes with our inside help and he nodded back. I walked back to our group.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2011 ⏰

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