The Elements

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We came to an old Victorian house, it was large and white with the whole left side of the house made of glass. The only thing I have with me is a backpack I bought 2 years ago. My whole life is in this bag, including the black card that I only use for emergencies because I have no clue how much is actually on there. I've been able to by clothes and food but never a lot. This girl must be wealthy, I shouldn't be here. We haven't talked for the entire walk down here.

"will your parents mind you came home with a stray." she smiled at the small joke I made but shook her head.

"My parents wouldn't mind at all, we are special family us three we help as many people as we can, it's in my blood. My dad is a doctor and my mom just like people to take care of. She found out once she had me that she couldn't have anymore children and she helps people because it's the motherly thing to do." they seem nice but I have never been one to trust easily. I have been alone for so long I don't really know how to interact with others.

I didn't comment on what she said, she didn't press for what I was grateful for. We walked in the back door into a kitchen were two people we stationed at the counter in the middle of the kitchen, that looked modern but comfortable. The granite counter tops and stainless steal appliances, looked very modern. The two people who I guess were Kellen's parents. They looked like her split right down the middle of the both of them she got her blond hair from her mom and the blue eyes from her dad. A beautiful family. I can barely remember what my mom and dad looked like. I looked down, my eyes watering.

"Leeana, these are my parents, Josh Wells and Martha Wells, Mom dad this is Leeana, I found her and she needs help, can she take a shower and have some food?" they looked at me I still haven't said anything I was scared. But all they did was smile at me. Friendly smiles again killers wouldn't be able to fake which made me more comfortable-slightly.

Her mom came next to me. "yes, Dear fix her some food, she looks like she haven't eaten in days. I'll take her to the bathroom and I think I might have some clothes she can have." she put a motherly arm around me. I felt safe here, but I knew this was temporary. I didn't belong here.

Her dad continued to look at me like he was searching for something, but her mom brought me upstairs to a room that was empty except for a bed a desk a lamp and a dresser. She pointed to the door that was slightly ajar, it was a bathroom with a big shower and a bathtub. "Okay you can use this room and anything you can find in it. The closet should be full, feel free to anything. Leeana you can stay as long as you want, really we don't mind." I smiled but I don't think it touched my nearly black eyes.

She was about to leave, but I said, "thank you Mrs. Wells. Your honestly to kind." she smiled at me. And left the room with a 'your very welcome'. then left the room. The shower was huge and very sparkly clean. I started the water, and the warm water felt amazing on my body, I washed my hair and I the water ran brown for a min before all the dirt was out. I saw shampoo and body wash, the expensive kind that was at the malls I sometimes went to for clothes and food. I really couldn't tell you how long I was in the shower but when the water went cold I might have used a little fire to warm it up more, but got out soon after realizing they might not have any water left.

Getting out my hair was a lighter shade than before more a dark brown than a black, I wrapped my towel around my hair for it to dry, and went back to the room that connected to the bathroom. I saw my black backpack on the floor next to the bed, happy I saw it hadn't been opened. I walked to where they said the closet was, I was about to walk threw but I had a feeling.

I herd my mothers voice she was screaming the man said, where the hell is the girl, we need the girl. My dad or mom didn't say anything. Then I herd the earth stop with the sound or there harmonized screams.

I screamed falling back on the floor with a thump. No I wont go back I can never go back into the closet. Then I felt arms on my shoulders, I was shaking to hard for them to stop me, I had tears rolling down my face and I was hyperventilating. Then I herd a voice I hadn't before he was male but to small or short to be her dad.

"Leeana," his voice was like melting chocolate it was deep and smooth. It calmed me some. " I'm Jay, I need you to breath for me, okay take deep breaths threw your nose and out your mouth okay listen to my voice, in come on now out there we go breath in then out."

I did as jay instructed, and the shakes stop and my breathing went back to normal. But I was still crying. I opened my eyes and was met with sparkling blue eyes, the eyes were in a face so angelic and beautiful my heart stopped for a moment with it's beauty. Jay was beautiful

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