Billxreader: Understanding

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Hi, don't mind me- I'm just here to edit this shot,

Tw: death, mentions of suicide

Premis: Your 14 yr old sister died and you blame yourself.

Second person pov.

You stood at the edge of a cliff, it over looked the town.

"A life so young and full of hope,
cut down in its shining prime.
The death of a child never seems right,
a child should have so much more time.

A child should laugh and play and sing,
not listen to the death knell ring.
Oh death, you cruel thing.
To steal the life of a child..."

Tears fell ceaselessly down your face. You really couldn't process the past weeks events.

You sister was your best friend and you didn't know what you were going to do without her. It felt so surreal, she was gone. It felt like a bad joke... like you should be the one leaving the world, not her.

Falling to your knees, your quiet cries became loud breathless and uncontrolled.

It was evedent you weren't taking this well. Everyone was concerned for you but you kept telling people you were fine. Never bothering to take some time for yourself to properly grieve. You were too caught up in everything and now it was to much for you to handle.

Honestly, you were thinking about just getting rid of all the pain right now. If you jumped here and now no one would be able to stop you. You were convinced that if you just left right now everything would be better.

Nothing would ever worry you again- nothing could bother you again. Nothing could ever make you feel like this again if you just jumped.

Soft footsteps padded on the grass behind you.

They were slow controlled ones.

You turned around to try and see who it was but your vision was too blurry and all you could tell was that they were very yellow.

They sat next to you.

"You know..." his voice was soft and echoy.

You knew exactly who this was.

"Do you know why I gave you the nick name stitch? He questioned.

Words escaped you so you shook your head.

"Well, it's because you're always the one trying to fix everything, always the one trying to stitch things back up. You always succeed too, but... when everyone looks away the only one left unfixed, unstitched, is... you." his voice was a whisper now.

Tears racked through your body, choked sobs cried out to be released. Your world was so fucked up.

A hands placed itself on your back. He rubbed circles with his hand as he let you cry your absolute heart out.

In a way, it was reassuring to hear those words from his mouth. He understood. He understood and was there for you, not for him or anyone else, for you.

He was... your anchor, and you were his ship. He wasnt afraid to reprimand you, he would do it in a heart beat if he knew it was good for you. Most importantly, he would ground you to the painful reality of the world with love and understanding.

You were his everything and you knew it, because he... was yours too.

And you loved him.



Yeah ikik that one was painfully short BUTT- I mean, I like it.... if that counts for anything TwT

Cya pine tree

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