Arc 2 Chapter 24 Rest Time

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Gareth: Durandal weapons, over 30 magic swords, and the special medicine we'll be buying up... On top of that, we need to give the Hephaestus Familia a portion of the drop items... This'll force us into the red for awhile.

Asuna: -_- We should certainly prioritize gathering money before we head on our next expedition. Agree?

Riveria and Gareth: Agree.

Finn: I ask that you not think of that now, Riveria, Asuna, Gareth. You guys will give me a headache.

Finn pleaded with a wry smile. On top of their unforeseen expenditures, they still had to relinquish most of the drop items from the Dungeon's depths to Hephaistos Familia as per their initial agreement. This included the valgang-dragon fangs and scales they'd risked their lives for, as well as everything they'd picked up from the fifty-second floor on down.

Though their efforts had rewarded them with an increased floor count, all they'd earned toward paying off the massive costs of their expedition was a few magic stones—to say they were in a bind was an understatement. If it weren't for the reward Aiz had received from her quest in the twenty-fourth floor's pantry, their outlook would have been even bleaker.

Finn: I wanted to tell Loki what we saw on the 59th floor as soon as possible but I guess it can't be helped.

Gareth: That monster, right?

Finn: During the battle, the mass of tentacles that blocked Bete, Asuna, and Aiz's attacks came, without a doubt from below. According to Aiz and Lefiya's report, the jewel transforms into a female humanoid monster.

Gareth: You don't mean...

Neither he, nor Riveria and Asuna could hide their disquietude at the pallum leader's inquiry as they continue to made their way to their tent.

Neither he, nor Riveria and Asuna could hide their disquietude at the pallum leader's inquiry as they continue to made their way to their tent

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Finn: The monster we fought was just the vanguard.


???: Its actual body is located elsewhere.

Somewhere at the surface. 2 figure could be seen talking with one another. It was none other than the spirit that followed the Loki Familia into the 59th floor and shared what she saw with her master.

???: Then that means whatever it was that birthed that crystal orb fetus... The Corrupted Spirit's actual body is most likely located somewhere below the 60th floor.

Spirit: So the creatures are also a product of the corrupted spirit... I can't believe this. We spirits who were sent to help our Heroes, are now attempting to destroy Orario. Is their recent burst in activities due to Aiz?

???: Most likely.

Spirit: Was that also the reason you never use your magic when fighting them?

???: Yeah. If they identified Aiz as Aunty Aria, then if I use my Magic, they most likely can recognize my spirit blood as well.

The Berserk Princess (The Flash Danmachi Oratoria)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang