Chapter 13: The Will To Live

Start from the beginning

Kylo is dead.

Without warning, heavy footsteps burst into the room. Both women turn their heads to find all six Knights of Ren.

The group is led by Trudgen and Ushar, who are using all of their strength to hold Vicrul back.

The blond warrior struggles in their grasp. He looks like a wild animal, ready to strike.

Evangeline sits up in alarm. She had only ever seen Vicrul like this if Elsie was in danger.

"WHY! Why would you say that?" he demands with his teeth bared.

"V-Vicrul, I'm sorry," Evangeline chokes on her words.

"You're a liar! Kylo is not dead!"

Vicrul's anger is palpable but it does not nearly match his anguish.

It breaks her. Makes her wish even more so that this wasn't the reality they're living in.

The one where Kylo is gone.

"STOP SAYING THAT! Don't you dare say that!" Vicrul shouts and goes in for a lunge.

Evangeline flinches, expecting the worst, but Trudgen steps in the way.

"Enough! You would hurt your brother's mate?" Trudgen's words cease Vicrul's movements. "Kylo named her his Queen, or have you forgotten?" he growls in the blond's face before stepping back to address the rest of the knights.

"That makes her Lady Ren. We protect her the same way we would Kylo."

Vicrul hangs his head in shame and backs away.

Ap'lek speaks up, pleading with her. "Please, Lady Ren. Tell us what has happened?"

Six men stare at her expectantly. The emotions on their faces range from confusion to dread.

Evangeline knows that they are all connected to Kylo through the Force—knows that deep down, they already know the truth.

They just aren't willing to accept it.

Cardo steps toward the bed. His shining hazel eyes are filled with tears. "Where is Master Kylo?"

It's the crack in Cardo's voice that chokes Evangeline up. She steels herself against her emotions, knowing she needs to be brave for them.

"I...I don't know. I just know he's gone....I—"

"That can't be true!" Vicrul cuts her off, his anger replaced with tears.

This time, when Vicrul moves toward her, none of the other knights stop him. He falls to his knees beside Evangeline's bed and openly weeps. "My brother is not dead!"

He chokes on his words, unable to say more. Evangeline scoots forward until she sits before him on the edge of the bed.

The moment she's close enough, Vicrul takes a hold of her calves and presses his face into her lap. His body trembles with sobs as he pleads with her, "My brother cannot be dead. Evangeline, please! Please say our brother isn't dead."

Arms come around the fallen warrior at her feet. Evangeline remains silent because she knows nothing she says will soften the blow of reality.

Her silence speaks volumes, leaving the Knights of Ren with nothing left to do but mourn.

Some stay quiet and others shed tears, and together, Evangeline mourns with the men who had just lost their brother.

She isn't sure how much time passes, but she holds Vicrul until he's strong enough to stand on his own two feet.

Steely blue eyes meet bright green. Where Evangeline expects to find acceptance or sorrow, she sees determination.

"We will find him," he says loud enough for the others to hear, "For you and for us. I swear to you. We will find Kylo and bring him home."

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