Ch. 6 Mother's Day

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Sirius and I had sent a few owls between Easter and Mother's Day. Mainly just to organise what we would do. Mother's Day was celebrated with just the family and we had agreed on Sirius coming over for morning tea before going to his house for dinner. I still felt odd after our conversation on Easter. My mind was still hung up on the possibility of Sirius being in Slytherin and for some reason, my heart tugged every time I thought about it.

I was watching the house elves in the kitchen when my mother walked in.

"What time is Sirius coming over?" Her unimpressed tone carried on from our conversation last week. I thought it would be obvious that Sirius, my supposed boyfriend, would be attending but when I casually mentioned it last week my mother was not impressed.

"But it's a day for me," she had complained, "I didn't raise him."

"He should be here soon," I said, turning to face her quickly before going back to watching the house elves.

"Great." I saw her roll her eyes out of the corner of my own.

"He's not as bad as you make him out to be." The words had come out of my mouth before I could stop them and she huffed before replying.

"I think you can do better." I was still watching the house elf. There was a window just above us and the sun was shining, welcoming in the new summer season just about to arrive. I was wearing a long white dress. It was tight around my chest before it flared out and it had puffy sleeves.

"Well Sirius is who I chose to date." I couldn't meet her eye in fear she could tell that I was lying.

She breathed in and her nose flared in distaste.

"He's not good enough for you, he is lazy, immature, he is doing nothing with his life he-"

"I hope you're not talking about me." I turned around when I heard his voice and when he found my eye we both smiled at each other.

"Sirius." I went over to hug him, as a normal girlfriend would do. I could feel my mother's eyes on me the whole time but I didn't care.

Our conversation from Easter was still fresh in my mind and I felt like our relationship had changed since then. Something had happened that night because I didn't feel awkward hugging him.

I had warned him that he had to be on his best behaviour for our morning tea because my mother already wasn't a fan of him. I knew he listened because he wasn't in his ridiculous leather jacket. He instead was in a nice pair of black slacks and a white shirt that I thought suited him. His hair was tied up in a bun and he had minimal stubble on his jaw.

"Happy Mother's day." Sirius had brought flowers for my mother and she accepted them with a tight lipped smile and passed them off to a house elf.

"Sirius," she didn't acknowledge the flowers and for some reason I felt the need to stand closer to him, "do you think you'll be getting a job any time soon?" It was bold and I wasn't sure where she was trying to go with this, but I felt oddly confident that Sirius could respectfully handle the conversation.

"He just got here, mother," I said through gritted teeth but both of them ignored me.

"I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do." She hummed as if he had just proven a point for her and I was sure that he had.

"Did you know that my daughter is a healer?" I was used to my mother bragging about me and I wasn't ashamed to admit that there was a part of me that enjoyed it. I had worked hard to get where I was. But for some reason, I felt guilty now that the person she was bragging to was Sirius.

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