Chapter 1

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It was October 31st, 1981. Three old, Violet Potter and one year old, Harry Potter were sound asleep in their shared nursery. That was until they were woken up by a commotion. Their mother burst into the nursery, along with a man who wasn't their father.

"Get out of the way, silly girl." The man demanded.

"I won't let you hurt them." Lily said.

"Avada Kedavra!" The man commanded, pointing a wand at her.

There was green light and Lily was dead. The man looked to Violet's crib that he saw was empty. He looked to Harry. Violet was quiet. The man attempted to do the same thing to Harry, but it bounced off him and hit the man, causing him to disappear. Harry continued to cry while Violet was still quiet.

All of a sudden, a jet black shaggy haired guy came bursting into the room.

"Uncle Padfoot!" Violet said. Sirius turned towards Violet's crib, but didn't see her. He then realized that she was invisible, but she didn't realize it.

"Hey sweetheart." He said, rushing over to her. "Are you ok?"

Sirius felt around until he found her arm. The moment that Sirius touched Violet, she turned visible. He looked her over to see if she was hurt. He lifted her out of her crib. "Oof. You're getting heavy." Sirius teased.

"Am not." Violet said.

"Are too." Sirius countered.

Violet looked down at Lily. "Mummy!" She cried, reaching down towards her.

"Hey, look at me, sweetie." Sirius said. Violet looked back at Sirius. He didn't want her to see her mum's lifeless body.

Sirius brought her over to Harry's crib. He did the same thing, checking to see if Harry was hurt. His eyes stopped at Harry's forehead. On his forehead was a faint scar in the shape of a lighting bolt. Sirius lifted Harry out of the crib.

"Come on. Let's get you and your brother out of here." He said to Violet. He carried both kids out of the house, shielding Violet mainly from seeing her parents bodies. A giant man was waiting. "I've got them, Hagrid." Sirius said.

"Are they alright?" Hagrid asked.

"Violet seems to be fine." Sirius answered. "Harry, on the other hand, I'm not so sure."

"What do you mean?" Hagrid asked.

"Well, he doesn't seem to be injured, but he has an unusual scar on his forehead." Sirius said, showing Hagrid Harry's forehead. "Probably from the spell Voldemort used on him." Hagrid nodded.

"I have something I need to go do." Sirius said. "Do you mind watching them until I back?"

"Sure." Hagrid said. 

"Pwease don't go, Uncle Sirius." Violet cried, now with tears in her eyes.

Sirius handed Harry to Hagrid and set Violet on his knee. "It's going to be ok, Vi." He said, soothingly and stroking her hair. "Hagrid's going to take you and your brother somewhere safe. I need my little firecracker to be brave for her favorite uncle."

"You're not my favorite uncle." Violet said.

Sirius pretended like he was upset. "I'm far more fun than Uncle Moony." He said. Violet giggled. "Can you be brave for me?" Sirius asked. Violet nodded. "That's my girl." Sirius said, kissing her on the top of the head. "I love you so much, Violet. So does Uncle Remus."

"I love you too." Violet said.

"Now, go with Hagrid. I promise I'll be back soon." Sirius said before looking up at Hagrid. "Take my bike." Hagrid nodded and took Violet's hand.

The next evening, after hearing the news of what happened to Sirius, Hagrid had brought Harry and Violet to a neighborhood. Dumbledore and McGonagall were waiting.

"Where are we?" Hagrid asked.

"Lily's sister lives here with her husband and son." Dumbledore explained.

"I've spent all day watching these people." McGonagall said. "They're the worst Muggles I've ever seen."

"They're the only family they have left." Dumbledore said. He took Harry from Hagrid, put a letter in the basket, and set the basket in front of the door.

"You're going to split them up?" McGonagall asked.

"Violet may be young enough to not fully understand what happened, but she's old enough to say what she saw." Dumbledore said. "It's too big of a risk for her to say something around Muggles."

"So, where is she going to go?" McGonagall asked.

"I'm going to take care of her." Dumbledore replied.

"Where is she?" Hagrid asked.

"What do you mean?" McGonagall asked.

"Violet's gone." Hagrid said. They looked around, not seeing her.

"I want my Mummy and Daddy." Came a small voice. The three adults looked at each other.

"Oh right." Dumbledore said. "James and Lily informed me that Violet had the power of invisibility. She probably has no control over it or even realize she's doing it." The other two nodded.

Dumbledore knelt down to where he assumed Violet was still standing. "It's going to be alright, little one." He said, in a attempt to soothe her. "You're going to come home with me." Violet turned visible again. "Come along." Dumbledore said. Violet took his hand and followed him.

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