

"The food... was disgusting!"



"I'm pretty sure I'm going to need medical attention after eating all that rancid food. Do you know how many times I've gotten food poisoning since being here? Bleh!"



"Does this look like a five-star restaurant to you?!"



"And the people were just awesome!"



"The people here... sucked. They were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing, manipulative, two timing, fame hungry, dimwitted, certifiably insane, really weird, psychotic, redneck, overbearing, goody-goody, know-it-all, party obsessed jerks! ... But I was still lucky enough to meet six people who are actually sane."



"One thing I will always be thankful for are the awesome people who I met here on the island. When I moved to Canada, it was tough, and having these people here in my life has made it so much better. I think after my father betrayed me, that's when they really showed me just how genuine and loving they truly are, and I am so incredibly grateful. But I have to give a massive shoutout to my sisters, my two powerpuff girls, Ben and Jerry to my ice cream sunday, Bridgette and Courtney. I miss you, girls!"



"The one thing I'll be remembered for? Uh... I hope my great personality."



"What will I be remembered for? My great personality!"



"I hope the one thing I'm remembered for is my incredible taste in shoes!- Oh! And my great personality."


My hands are shaking, and I am sweating through my sports bra. It's the last challenge, the last episode, and someone, me, is going to win the money. How did time go so fast? It feels like just yesterday I was getting off the boat, introducing myself to Chris McClean, and making my television debut.

I've been through so much these past few months, I actually can't believe it. The first episode I was already ready to beat up Courtney and Ezekiel, but strangely enough, Courtney is one of my best friends, and I hope she knows just how much I appreciate her.

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