11 Years Later

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"Ha! I bet you didn't see that one coming!"

"Oh please, I could've countered that in my sleep!"

"As if!"

The King and Queen came walking outside. They were looking for Dawn again. Dawn grabbed Chloe's arm and bolted into the bushes.

"Come on Dawn! Please come out!"

"Where does she even go?"

"I don't know darling...I don't know." Queen Johanna sighed. She guided the King back into the castle. They would have to wait for her there.

Chloe and Dawn came out of the bushes, dragging their swords behind them. They exchanged the same look and burst into laughter. They ended up rolling on the ground. "Okay Dawn, but seriously, you can't avoid it forever."

Dawn put her hands behind her head. "I know, but I can avoid it for the moment." Chloe settled down next to her. "So when are you going to face it?" Truth be told, she didn't know when she was going to face it. Not right now certainly. Dawn most definitely did NOT want to go see Kenny. Prince Kenny, that is. Yup, she was about to get engaged to Prince Kenny; one of the most stuck-up, selfish, annoying princes she had ever met.

Well, he wasn't necessarily selfish, she just thought that he tried too hard. Tried too hard to make Dawn fall in love with him.

Ever since the day the Knights-in-training left, Dawn had decided to practice self-defense. She knew no one would approve, so she asked Chloe, who eagerly agreed to learn with her. Since then, they had trained themselves how to do backsword moves, defensive moves, offensive moves, and parring strategies.

They self-taught themselves every sword trick there ever was. They might even have been better than some of the knights that had devoted themselves to the Kingdom their whole lives (those were the ones who didn't go to the training, they were already knights because they were so skilled).

"Okay, but when you do decide to go get 'engaged', make sure you put on a nice dress. I mean, look at us! We're filthy!" Dawn laughed. It's true. Their outfits were covered in mud (they weren't in dresses) and their hair was completely messed up. Boy did Dawn's maids have something to deal with when she went back. Dawn didn't even want the maids, but they hung around anyway. She knew she could take care of herself though. Eventually, Dawn did decide to get up and go get ready for Kenny's engagement.

"My my! Princess! What were you doing??" Sascha exclaimed. "I was doing stuff. Now you really should go, I can get ready by myself." Sasha frowned. "Fine, but do be quick. Everyone is already waiting for you." Dawn nodded.

Dawn got on her yellow dress and put her hair up in a curly ponytail. It was one of the least fancier dresses she owned. As she was straightening it out, she found a large scrape on her knee. Well, the dress will cover it up, she thought to herself. "Let's go," she whispered to herself.

She walked out of her room and walked down the staircase.

Princess Dawn and Dialga: An Ikarishipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now