Chapter 21: Malden Center and BOS Recon Team

Start from the beginning

"Let's go," Mason said as he held the weapon in one hand, the other one on the door.

"Only you," Mason heard Heather say before she laughed.

"Only I what?"

"You make that gun look normal sized," Heather grinned, confusing Mason.

"Okay then," Mason remarked, opening the door. "Let's get movin'."

Walking in, Mason noticed two bodies, one on top of a nonfunctional escalator, the other partway down the side. After collecting the stimpaks and ammunition from them, they moved forward. Reaching a doorway at the bottom, Mason heard something, gesturing for the others to hide behind as he did.

"Is someone present?" a mechanical voice asked, confirming what Mason heard. He almost gestured for Heather to get ready before hearing another deeper, but still mechanical, voice said, "Curious."

Hearing nothing else, Mason told Heather to prepare, getting ready for a fight. Mason listened to the footsteps and gestured for Heather to engage, crouching to a knee as he turned the corner.

Boom! Boom!

Pulling the trigger twice, the bullets kicked like a bull, hitting the synth in the leg, taking it out while Heather vaporized the second. Not letting the one he shot raise its gun, Mason lowered the weapon, aiming at its head before-


"Still mechanical," Mason remarked as he stood up. Unfortunately, his leg was still hurting, a piercing feeling not leaving. "Wonder how many synths are down here?"

Turning to Heather, Mason checked up on her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Haven't felt better," Heather remarked, making Mason sigh.

"We know that's a lie," Mason remarked, turning to walk downstairs. "Before we go to the Castle, you need to get some rest while I work on a small project."

"Power Armor?" Heather asked, making Mason chuckle.

"Gonna fix up a suit, and use it to get to the Castle. Oughta be good enough for the time bein'."

Walking, they crouch as they reach the bottom of the stairs, Mason hearing something when they do. Checking out the noise, Mason saw a synth walking on the platform. Looking around, he saw another on the train and a third behind them. There were probably, but not any he could see.

"Three synths, minimum," Mason whispered as he returned to Heather." Potentially more, but that's all I saw."

Getting her rifle ready, Heather stuck her thumb up, letting Mason know it was okay. "Let's get this over with."

Peering around the corner, Mason waited for the nearest synth to turn their back, and as it walked away, Mason aimed and-


The bullet hit the synth in the back of the head, making it freeze before falling to the ground. Turning, Mason saw the one on the train fighting Heather, the third one coming through, three more with rifles getting ready to fire their guns.

"Got company!" Mason yelled, rolling behind a broken column. As the synths started firing, the lasers either going over or hitting the ground, Mason took the time to reload the rifle, placing the partially empty magazine in a pocket. As they stopped firing, Mason aimed over the top of the column, lining up the shot before-


Destroying the coding in one of the synths' heads, Mason crouched back down as they began firing. Looking over at Heather, he saw her shooting around the corner. Taking a page from her book, Mason aimed around the corner, noticing a synth above firing at him. Rolling back, Mason aimed at the synth and-

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