Chapter 2: Again? Really?

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Janet's POV

It was a long ass day, and I was ready to get home and take a nice bubble bath, and eat some popcorn. I finished writing my lyrics, and another poem, and packed up my purse.

"Wait us one of your fantastic poems girl," Tyrell said, sitting in his dresser chair.

"Yeah. Come on J," said Tisha. The final three clients also agreed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Alright. Let me find one," I searched through my notebook, an dofund the perfect one to read.

"Life is a constant wheel of motion.

It doesn't stop, nor does it slow down.

We all are trapped in its cycle till our life ends, yet it then takes over another.

Day to day, week to week, year to year, the wheel of life turns

Bumps in it's path gives us hardships, some worse than others

Yet we all flow with the wheel, some at different paces, fast, slow.

Many of us can control our outcome

many can't, but over all

The wheel turns day to day, week to week, year to year.

Life is a constant wheel of motion.

It doesn't stop, nor does it slow down," I looked and they all snapped their fingers.

"Damn J. You have the hand of an artist,"Tyrell said.

"When are you going to start your music career," Tish asked.

"Girl, I told you, I don't want to. Styling is my thing, and I like my life just the way it is," I say putting my book in my bag.

'Speaking's your brother doing?" By my brother, they mean Michael. Yeah, I am Michael Jackson's little sister...big whoop. I love him very much, we were, and still are the closest. He was the only one in my family to tell me I could be and do anything i set my mind to. He's my role model, and I don't know what I'd do with out him.

"He's doing well. The media is finally getting off his ass about all those lies those B.A.Ps told about him...he might be coming down here next week," I say.

"Ok...what the hell is a BAP?" one of the clients asked. Tyrell, Tisha, and I all smiled, and said.

"Bitch Ass Punk," we laughed, and I made my way out, and walked my way home. It was late, and the sun was almost gone. The street lights turned on as I walked. I held my purse close to my side. Don't what kind of creep will try and take your shit...or you. I really wasn't thinking about that, I turned on the corner, and head down to the corner store to buy some milk and dog food for Jazz. I kept on, keeping my head down, and away from the most dangerously populated areas, where the gangs, drug heads, and just plain perverts hung out. I kept going, watching my back every few minutes. The street lights started to get dimmer and dimmer as I went on, some even didn't come on at all. It was fully dark now, but I just kept going. I reached the corner store, and entered. I walked through the isles, until I found the milk, and I bought a couple of Arizona tea as well. I grabbed the Iams of the shelf, and  went to the counter to pay. I wasn't paying attention, when I bumped into someone.

'Ow...sorry I-" I looked up, and it was that same got damn nigga from the corner.

"Oh hell no,"

"Shit," he mumbled, kissing his teeth in the process.

Tupac's POV

I can't believe I am running into this stuck up bitch again. I rolled my eyes, and decided to help her up. She took my hand, and I pulled her up, and picked up the bag of dog food for her.

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