"NO!" he said in a loud voice almost yelling. he corrected himself and pretended to cough. 

"I mean no I want to be friends if thats alright with you of course." he said. 

I smiled. I had hoped he would say that I really do want to help him.

"good because you will be the only one I can talk to from now on and I would be really lonely without you." I said smiling like an idiot.

he smiled.

"I guess that since we are besties now it would be a good time to tell you this isn't what I used to look like." I said looking at my new body. 

"what do you mean? aren't you in the ghost form of what you used to look like when you were alive?" he asked. 

he thought I was a ghost! well I am but this isn't what I used to look like I was a human damn it!

"well I am a ghost and I did die but I wasn't a monster I was a human so I don't know why I look like this." I said. 

"huh that is weird." he said holding his chin. he seemed to be focusing hard trying to find out what happened.

"well it doesn't matter now so you don't have to think about it that much I'm just happy I have a new friend." I said trying to stop him from hurting himself from thinking too much. anyways I know where I got this appearance from just not how I got here and I don't think telling him I'm a human from an alternate dimension where he is a made up character and I know everything thats going to happen to him and that the person I took over, takes over your body when you eat the apples. no because he would think I am an absolute nutcase! 

"ok if you're sure. but don't you have family you want to get back to? friends you want to see?" he asked. 

"of course but they wouldn't be able to see me and this isn't were I used to live." I said.

"really? then how did you get here?" he asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders.

"it doesn't matter nor do I care the only people who would miss me are my parents and they would be better off with me not being there to ruin there chances at a better life I just hope they get over my death soon so they can move on." I said. getting into my depressing state of mind but it did make me feel better about one thing. that I would never be able to come back. 

nightmare just stayed silent he didn't seem to know what to say so I stopped him before he said anything at all. 

"its ok hey I just realized I never asked your name 'snort' what a lousy bestie I am well I know your name because your brother over there said it but it was still rude of me for not asking. sorry nights." I said. 

"no its ok and as you said you already know my name so it doesn't really matter. but thank you for caring so much that was really nice of you." he responded. 

I smiled. changing the conversation was a success. now to make sure things stay on a good note I'm going to hug him! I got up and sprang right into his arms giggling. 

"your an awesome friend nights thank you also its pretty late sorry for keeping you up you can sleep if you want?" I said. 

hugging me back he smiled with a grin that rivaled my own.

"its fine it's almost morning anyway and I like talking to you." he responded. 

"alright do you want to look at the stars till the sun comes up?" I asked my bestie. 

"sure." he said. 

and we did he told me all the different constellations up in the sky and I did my absolute damndest to find them since connecting the dots isn't my strong suit. all in all it was a really fun night and I learned a really interesting fact I don't get tired. nights was barely awake and I was wide awake. normally I would get tired at like eight and I almost never stay up past that time but I haven't gotten even a little bit tired though our hole conversation though nights did end up falling asleep on accident later but that was fine I was ok with looking up at the stars and continuing to try and find all the constellations nights pointed out to me. it was a fun night.

time skip to morning

at about seven o'clock I was getting increasingly bored. the stars were long gone and I had nothing to do my only source of entertainment being asleep. 

while off in my bored monologue dream started to wake up.

he yawned and stretched before going over to nights. 

"brother? heeellloooo! nightmare are you ok? you normally wake up before me." he said to nights who was slowly waking up.

"huh? oh I'm ok I'm up I was just really tired thats all." he responds. 

"oh ok if thats all but I'm still mad at you. you said you would wake me up so I could play with my friends on time now I'm late." he pouted. 

"I'm sorry dream really didn't mean to I couldn't sleep well last night." nights said. 

"its ok brother I understand you were pretty paranoid last night if you want you can talk to me about it." dream said.

"its ok I'm fine." nights replied. 

"oh ok well I need to go my friends must be really worried. bye nightmare!" dream called as he walked off.

I took this chance and sat next to nightmare on his side of the tree. 

"I'm sorry I kept you up so long nights I should have let you sleep." I said regretful. I made him break his promise to dream he must be pretty upset.

"its fine midnight I got enough sleep and anyway I got a new friend out of it and dream will understand." nights replied cheerily. 

I smiled and hugged him then let go. 

"you know nights your pretty cute" I said staring at his face and eyelights. before I could realize what I said his face turned bright purple.

"I mean um I'm so sorry that was so inappropriate omg why did I say that!" I panicked. 

"its fine midnight thank you for the compliment." he said still a little purple.

"your ...cute too." he said and now I'm the one who's a bright color though I am pretty sure my whole face is cyan. 

"thanks..." I said. this got awkward real fast. 

I coughed and decided to do something else. 

"why don't we play a game? I don't think the usual ones will work since I am a ghost and it would be pretty weird if you were chasing nothing like in tag so why not play chopsticks?" I said. it was the only game I could think of that wouldn't make nightmare look like a crazy person. well at least it won't if no one comes up this hill that is. 

"ok how do you play?" he asked. 

"well you start off with holding both of your pointer fingers out then someone starts like lets say I go first I tap your pointer finger with mine and you gain a finger on that hand then you go and if you hit me with the hand with two fingers I gain two new fingers then we continue playing till one of us gets five fingers if you do you put that hand behind you back and continue playing with only one hand if you put both hands behind your back you lose. also if someone had like four fingers and you hit them with two then they go back to one finger. its a math game I used to play when I was younger. do you want to play?" I asked. he nodded and we got started. 

lets just say nights doesn't like losing and he made me play till he was so good I never won. its was its own special type of toucher but I had fun. I'm glad he liked the game.

reincarnated as corrupt nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now