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Secrets chapter 7;

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore out thou Romeo?" -Juliet, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


I take my seat next to Aria in the middle of the classroom after the teacher introduced me to everyone in the class. I noticed Luke sit up straight and scoot his chair away from the girl that he was making out with. She looks at him with temptation but he just keeps ignoring her. Smart, Luke.

"Okay, can anybody tell me the name of a story by Shakespeare," Mr. Young asks, looking around the room.

"Hamlet," someone from the back of the classroom yells.

"Thank you, Mr. Munnely, but next time please raise your hand," Mr. Young laughs, "can anyone name another one?"

I raise my hand and Mr. Young calls on me, "Romeo and Juliet."

"Correct, and that happens to be the story we will be reading. We will actually be reading the written play version, so be prepared to read a part in the play," Mr. Young says, holding up a small book with the title Romeo and Juliet.

I hear a bunch of sighs around the room and smirk at their whining.

"Now, we will assign roles," Mr. Young says, "any volunteers?"

I raise my hand and Mr. Young calls on me, "I volunteer to read the part of Juliet."

"Thank you, Brea," Mr. Young says, "any other volunteers?"

"I volunteer to read the part of Romeo," someone yells from the back of the class. Everyone turns their heads to the voice and I roll my eyes. Luke.

"Mr. Hemmings, are you sure? The part of Romeo has a lot of reading, which I know you do not do," Mr. Young remarks, crossing his arms.

The class chuckles and Luke's face turns red, "give me a shot."

"Okay, now we need a-" in the middle of Mr. Young speaking, the bell rings and everyone in the class gets up.

"Brea, wait up!" I hear Luke yell. I turn around and run straight into Luke's chest. I look up and see Luke staring down at me.

"Well, Hello," he says smirking.

"Get the hell away from me and stop touching me," I say, pushing his chest with my hands. He grabs my hands and puts them down to my side.

"What the hell did I do?" he asks, letting go of my hands.

"Well, I don't know, maybe the fact that you were making out with a girl after you denied being a manwhore," I say, crossing my arms while starting to walk away.

"Will you stop walking away from me!" he yells, "at least we get to fall in love next class."

I turn around and see a perky, smiling Luke staring at me with puppy-dog eyes.

"You're pathetic," I spit out at him.

I walk outside the room and see Aria standing there staring at me.

"What?" I ask, walking next to her.

"He totally likes you! He barely even talks to girls before he takes them into the janitors closest and.. you know what they do," she says, scratching her head.

"Well it's too bad that I don't like him," I say, rolling my eyes.

Luke Hemmings, you have no idea what the hell you just got yourself into.



1. I know this is short, I just really needed to update!

2. Soo sorry I haven't updated in almost 2 weeks. I've been very busy!

I still hope you enjoyed this. I think it's kinda funny xD




-Han xxoo

so I wrote this on April 20 and for some reason I never published it... but I'm really sorry and I'll publish it.... NOW! enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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