Chapter 2

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Hehe sorry I forgot I started this book and now almost abandoned it (actually totally abandoned it).

Let's begin~

"Friends buy you a lunch, best friends eat your lunch"

It was the first day of their new term. Siddharth, Avneet, Jannat and Faisal are in last year of their school life (12th) which means they will be probably dealing with everything going around the school, starting from being prefects to handling inschool concerts.

The four of them walked up the stairs for their classes, wishing their school had a lift. As they walked up while cracking jokes and making fun of each other.

They spotted a teacher scolding some student but ignored and continued their work of climbing stairs.

"That's Sandhya Mam, Biology teacher for 12th. Known for strictness and worst behaviour with students."

Said a guy from behind with jet black hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing black rimmed specs and had freckles.

Jannat: Hm, nice. 

She said sarcastically as they continued climbing the stairs.

Avneet: If she's the worst teaches, we are the worst students!

Sm1: Anyone from section A or C?

Siddharth/Jannat: I'm in C.

Faisal: And I'm in A.

Sm1: Then congrats as she is gonna be your teacher for this year. She is really strict so be careful.

Faisal coughed as he was drinking water which stuck in his throat at the guy's words.

Faisal: Who are you by the way? And how do you know about her being our teacher?

Aayush: Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce, I'm Aayush, Section A. And I know about her and more other teachers as I asked a former student about subject teachers a few months back. Okay guys, I have some work in library so will see you in some other time.

Them: Cya.

Jannat: Okay, so meet you at tiffin.

She said as they reached their class corridor.

Siddharth: And yeah, finish your tiffin quickly and let's meet at our spot.

Faisal/Avneet: Okay!


Bell rings which indicated that it's the tiffin time for secondary and high school students. The students who were in some other classroom hurried back their owns for tiffin.

Siddharth and Jannat came out of their class and went towards some corner in the school ground which was their favourite go to spot. They reached and found Faisal and Avneet already standing there, waiting for them.

Faisal: Aayush was right. That teacher is the worst I swear. Like we can't even move a inch without her permission.  She punished Krish (Random name, Faisal's classmate) just because he bent down to pick up his fallen pen! And I started to think she would say "Why are you breathing? You should have taken my permission before letting that air get in your nose."

Avneet: We need to do something about her!

She said once they controlled themselves from laughing more.

To be continued...

Okay I know it's boring but I kinda forgot the whole plot!

But soon I'll come up with a better one!

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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