☆Chapter Thirty One

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I shook my hips to a tune only I could hear, mixing my spoon to a rhythm I equally assumed only I knew. The light shuffling of feet pulled my attention back to reality and I turned toward Leah offering my best smile. My mood dimmed as she returned my smile with a broken one and the dark rims around her eyes made my heart ache.
"Lianne used to make me blueberry pancakes every Saturday morning"
I unconsciously eyed the blueberries I had already washed and laid out, slightly taken aback by her statement. "I- you know I can make something else i-if you want..." I trailed off leaving the remaining words dangling in the air.
"It's fine" she whispered but I knew it wasnt.

I sat her plate in front of her hoping the taste of my pancakes would push her to forget Lianne all together. After three bites she nodded her head in approval and I couldn't help but notice the small smirk that planted itself at the corner of her lips. "I'm glad you're enjoying it" I playfully nudged her widening her smile, my smile, the smile I secretly wished belonged to me.
"How's your husband?"
The question caught me off guard and I couldn't find the appropriate words to describe my difficult situation. ".... besides the fact that I think he's gay, he's fine I guess" I didn't mean to be straightforward but there was no better way. Her right eyebrow rose in consideration of my statement.
After explaining in detail the situation with Tom and my husband in the office we snuggled into eachother on the couch, dosing.

"It's not what it looks like"
I groggily wiped at my eyes fixing my blurred vision. "What's going--"
"Fuck you Leah"
The words Lianne spat had me fully awake and alert taking in the scene before me. I listened as Leah ran after her into the bedroom and I could hear the heavy rolling of a suitcase and the forceful pulling of multiple drawers.
"Don't leave"
I barely heard Leah say it but her words took me back to this morning, the barely audible four letter word she uttered to me. I grabbed my keys holding my tears in place, daring them not to fall. It wasnt my place to cry, I had no right.

"Where have you been?!"
"Nowhere" I whispered, refusing to look my husband in the eye
"You have on the same clothes, your hairs a mess--"
"Don't you fucking dare accuse me of cheating when you've been couped up in that office, zipper down with Tom" My worry for Leah, the realization of my feelings and my anger toward Lianne fueled my fiery rage toward John. I pushed passed him purposefully knocking his shoulder with mine. The tears were falling uncontrollably now and I made no attempt at removing them.

The sunlight hit my face at every angle and the pillow I used to shield me did no justice.
"Good morning beautiful"
I involuntarily surrendered to a smile at John's attempt at an apology and stared at the tray that held my breakfast in bed. "Looks delicious"
"It is" He offered me a cocky smirk before returning to the kitchen

I wrapped the yellow towel around me and scooped my curly, dark brown hair into a messy bun before getting dressed. As I pulled on my last shoe my eyes drifted to my phone hoping, more like praying it was Leah's name that would pop up. Should I call her first? Before my internal struggle could intensify I headed outside desperately thinking of ways to distract myself.
I aimlessly drove, lingering a block over from Leah's house. My finger hovered over the call button, badly wanting her voice to fill my end of the line.
I fumbled with the phone in my hands, blankly staring at the tree swaying before me. I heard a voice that I assumed was Lianne's in the background and courageously greeted Leah.
"Where'd you go?"
"Home. I figured you and Lianne needed time so --"
"I want you"
She said it low and for some reason this irritated me. "You're selfish" I hung up, instantly cursing myself for dialing her number. I let the next call and the rest after that go to voicemail. She couldn't have both Lianne and I.

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