☆Chapter Thirty

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"Where are you going?"
The pain in her voice coursed through my body and persuaded me to lower the shoes I was silently trying to slide on. "I..... I didn't think...."
The unfamiliar words rolled off her tongue like a foreign language and as if it left a bad taste in her mouth she furrowed her brows tracing circles in the white sheets. Her voice held so much emotion and for a minute her words didn't resonate with me.
"Stay" She said again, her voice raising an octave more confident than before.
I removed my sweatpants and quickly made my way back into the bed holding her the way her tired eyes desired to be. I felt her shift under my arms and I shuffled as close as our bodies allowed. With one hand I traced the outline of her face letting my fingers dance along her soft caramel skin. I didn't understand; she didn't want Lianne but how could she be so distraught over losing her. It occurred to me that maybe Lianne was all she had other than maybe Elle and I wondered what happened to her. I planted a gentle kiss on the nape of her neck, basking in her vanilla scent. I watched as her chest rose and fell again in a peaceful sleep and was captivated by the small rhythm of her breathing. My thoughts wandered to my husband and the episode in his office; how secretive him and Tom had been. I didn't realize until now how naive I have been. I didnt want to believe the reality my mind was pressing me to. The blurry image of my husband's low zipper, the guilty and pleading eyes Tom let linger on my face before turning to face the opposite way. I chewed on my bottom lip as a single tear dropped onto Leah's forehead and I lightly wiped it away before it could wake her. I've never seen her so weak, broken, and I was surprised she shared this side of her with me. I didnt realize, but I was falling, and hard.

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