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Y/N couldn't believe it. Jack liked her. Y/N liked him back. Were they....a couple now? But wait, her mother would never allow them to date. The only reason Y/N confessed her feelings was so she could be turned down and get it off her chest. She had planned to just see him occasionally. But now...since they were technically dating, they would have to see each other more and more. Y/N stood up suddenly, "Jack...." Jack smiled, "Yes?" "We.....we can never be together." Y/N saw Jack's face fall and she felt so bad, but...they just couldn't happen. "Is it because I'm in 3rd class? Please, give me a chance. I know, I'm not rich. But I can make up for it by being the best......boyfriend.............ever." "It-it's not because of that. Well sort of. It's just.....my parents." "If your parents are an issue, why did you confess your feelings for me?" "Because..... I didn't know you would like me back.........." Jack's eyes welled up with tears, "Please Y/N, I want to be with you, we can figure this out!" Y/N placed her hands over her eyes, "Just....GET OUT!" Jack's face turned hurt and worried, "Y/N........." "Just......get.....out...." Y/N said sobbing. Jack gave her one final look, and left.

Y/N watched as he got out. She was hungry. She wished she could get something to eat. But, she couldn't risk running into...Jack. Y/N took a breath, if she saw Jack, she could just say hi and go. SHE COULD DO THIS! She could do this! She could do this..................Y/N slowly peeked outside. No Jack. Good sign. She sighed and went out. She headed to a restaurant. She saw a stunningly beautiful girl carrying a cupcake running towards her. She was gonna move but the girl was too fast and ran smack into her. There was cupcake frosting all over Y/N's dress. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry!" the girl apologized. "Umm it's ok, I never liked this dress anyway." The girl grabbed her hand, "No really, I want to make up for it. I have a lot of dresses in my room, I can give you one!" "Uh-" It was too late, the girl was already running and holding her hand. They ran across the halls and finally to a 1st class room. They went inside and the room was pretty much like Y/N's room. "You know, I would give all my dresses to you but my mom would be furious." The girl laughed. "Yeah same! I hate those uptight dresses, they are so uncomfortable...." "My name is Darla by the way." "My name is Y/N." Darla widened her eyes, "Ooh, I've always wanted Y/N as my name!" Y/N laughed, "It's amazing how we're so similar." "I know right?" Y/N smiled softly, "Good thing you're not like..........Sakura." Darla tilted her head, "Sakura? Who's Sakura?" Y/N answered, "My.....ex best friend." Then, for the next hour Y/N found herself explaining everything that had happened on the titanic. When she finished Darla sipped some tea, "You....just told him to leave? Just like that?" "It's just......the reality is that we can't be together. I don't want to raise his hopes then crush them later. I CARE about him." "If you care about him, then why did you tell him to LEAVE? He must be....heartbroken like that." Y/N knew she was right but murmured, "He'll be less heartbroken this way than if I crushed his dreams later." Darla sighed, "Y/N, do you love Jack?" "Of course I do!" Darla gave her a half smile, "If you really love someone, you have to fight for them. Fight for your love. No matter what it takes."


Jack lay in his 3rd class bed frowning at the ceiling. Edward comes in, "You ok?" "Not.......really." Edward widened his eyes, "Woah, what happened?" "Well my girlfriend that's not really my girlfriend broke up with me because she didn't want to be my girlfriend...." "..........Why don't you just tell me the whole story...."

After Jack finished, he noticed his roommates were listening too. His roommate, Marcus, raised his eyebrow, "Dang what a b-" "DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT!" Jack exploded. A silence fell over the room. "Sorry.." said Marcus. "No, I'm sorry, I'm just....crabby today I guess." Edward nodded, "Um, well I really don't know how to deal with feelings so....." "Wait, stay. I want you to be here." Edward sat down, "Uh, can I just get you a pastry or something? Dunno how to comfort somebody." Jack rolled his eyes, "Fine. Pastry." Marcus piped up, "Sooo.... I think Y/N might come back to her senses." "It....was pretty clear she didn't want anything to do with me anymore." Jack sighs, "Someday, she'll find a rich, handsome, 1st class man that's better than me and-" Marcus frowned, "Stop." Jack shrugged, "What do you think I should do? "Um, I'm not exactly a relationship expert but uh distract yourself from the breakup and do things you enjoy? Man, that sounded so cheesy." Jack nodded, "I'll try that. Thanks." "No problem man." Jack paused, "Wait, what things do I enjoy?" "Stargazing or some crap, uh parties, and dancing." Jack rolled his eyes, " It's not nighttime yet and I don't think any parties are happening. Dancing happens at parties." "Well then you spend a lot of time on the deck even when you're not stargazing." Jack lowered his voice, "But.....Y/N might be there..." "Trust me, she wouldn't want to be there to risk running into you." "I-I guess. Thanks Marcus." Jack headed out to the door and went to the deck. Y/N wasn't there. Somehow, Jack felt disappointment instead of feeling relieved. Then, he heard a voice. "Fancy seeing you here." Jack looked up and he saw...Y/N, "Yeah....hi." "Jack.....I'm sorry." "For what? You...aren't at fault here." Jack said dully. "I am. And I apologize." "Oh. Ok." Then, Jack heard 7 words that he would never have expected Y/N to say. "I want us to get back together." "W-what?" Jack was surprised, then he just felt hurt and anger. "You can't just dump me like a 10 year old piece of cheese and want to get back together!" Y/N dropped her gaze, "I know. I'm sorry. If you don't want to get back together, that's fine. I just....." Jack nodded, "I do! I do..."

Both Jack and Y/N

Y/N and Jack drew closer to one another. Y/N breathed heavily, "Jack.....no matter what my parents think...I will always love you. Forever and always." Jack ran his fingers through Y/N's hair, " We can be together then. Stay together forever just like our love." Y/N recoiled, her eyes filling with tears, "But.....my parents. T-t-they-they don't know you like I do. I-I'm sorry" Jack turns away, "Ok, I understand." He felt frustrated, Y/N came saying she wanted to get back together. Then she says they can't be together. Jack began to walk away steadily. Y/N suddenly remembered Darla's words If you really love someone, you have to fight for them. Fight for your love. No matter what it takes. Y/N extended her hand after him, "Wait!" Jack turned around slowly. Y/N looked up at Jack, "Yes." "Yes?" "I don't care what my parents think. As long as I can be with you." Jack smiles, his eyes twinkling like night stars, "You...mean it?" "Of course I mean it." And so they stared at each other and kissed.


"What time is it?" Y/N asked. "Um, almost 4 pm." Jack answered. Y/N widened her eyes, "Crap, I have to go! My mom will be worried." Jack smiled and kissed her on the cheek, "Bye." Y/N kissed him back, "Bye." Y/N walked to her room dreamily. She found her mother waiting there. Her mother's face was white, "WHERE WERE YOU? DON'T TELL ME YOU WERE INTERACTING WITH THOSE THIRD CLASS HOOLIGANS AGAIN." "I-I was with my friend.?" Y/N's mother raised an eyebrow, "Sakura? Grace told me you girls don't talk anymore." "My other friend." "Your only friend is Sakura. Don't tell me you're friends with that 3rd class boy?" "N-no, her name is Darla." "Darla? Darla Albrechet?" "W-well, she's first class." "The Albrechts are very rich so it would be good if we made a secure connection. Well done." Y/N's mother walked out. Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course her mother only cared about THAT. She wanted to see Darla.. Y/N remembered where Darla's suit was. She walked there and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Y/N walked in and saw Darla brushing her hair. "Darla, your advice worked! Jack and I are officially a couple!" "Congratulations! What did you do?" "Well, I apologized and said that I wanted to be with him. So, we kissed! And, we're a..couple!" Darla grinned, "What about your parents?" "Um, they don't know?" Darla sighed, "Y/N, your parents are going to find out sooner or later. What'll happen when the Titanic arrives in America?" "Oh god, I haven't thought of that..." "Exactly." Y/N bit her lip, "Then what should I do?" "I can only think of one thing." "What?" Darla gave her a nervous smile, "But you're not gonna like it." "What? Tell me. I'll do anything." "Well, basically you should stand up to your mom and tell them you'll be with Jack NO MATTER WHAT they say." "W-what?"

Characters List and the first chapter coming out soon! If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and if you have any suggestions, just comment them! I will try my best to reply. To follow this story, add it to your reading list and check it for updates every week!

************************* VIP NOTE******************

Realistically, it took the Titanic set sail for only 4 days before it sank. However, since the time span is too short for the story, I will make it longer. I will extend it to about 2 weeks-3 weeks. Thanks for understanding! - CleoReang

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