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Bye. A simple word i've heard over a thousand times but, this time it felt different. It hurt. I never thought that I could ever hurt Jada, she means the world to me. Moving here wasn't really my choice, I had to move here, if I would've know it was going to be like this I would have done everything in my power to stay. There nothing I can really do about it now except for try to apologize a million times and Jada isn't an easy person to crack, she bottles everything in.  


It was very late now and I have school in a few hours but, Jada was all I could think about. Should I call her? Will she even answer? She's so stubborn. I'll call her before I go to school in the morning, it'll give her some time to calm down.

As my eyes began to slowly close, my alarm clock went off. I didn't even get any sleep. I got up and decided to get ready, I jumped in the shower and did everything I needed to do. I wonder how people dress out here. I put on a simple shirt, some jeans, and the Tims I always wear. I grabbed my book bag and rushed downstairs.

Before my little sister could reach the phone I jumped in front of her, immediately dialing Jada's number.

"Pinkett residents." Sonya, her maid answered.

"Hola Sonya. Is Jada home? It's Lesane but don't tell her it's me."

"Jada is very angry with you, she cried all day yesterday. But I tell her just for you, don't do anything stupid." She laughed at herself for second all called for Jada, I couldn't really hear through the phone.

"Hello? Who's this?" Just hearing her speak made me feel good. She sighed. "Don't play games on my phone-- "

"Jada, it's me Pac, don't hang up." I tried to hear for a voice but the line went dead, she hung up on me.

I have to get to school but this isn't the last time, I'll try again when I get home.

j a d a

"I hate him so much, I wish he would just-- ugh! What are you even saying Jada, you know you could never hate him. It's not his fault, what was he supposed to do? He loves you as much, or more, than you love him." I said out loud to myself.

"Jada, honey you're going to be late for school." My mother called for me. I rushed downstairs and kissed her and my father goodbye.

I headed straight to school, I wish he wasn't on my mind, I'm supposed to be mad at him. It's hard being mad at someone you care so much about. I got to school and I was super early, since I didn't have to pick him up anymore I'll be early until I graduate. I grabbed all of my stuff and headed to the stairs, no one goes over there so I'll have some peace and quiet.

I opened up a play that I recently started reading and got into it, it was Othello by Shakespeare. It was about an African general, named Othello, who is married to a white girl, named Desdemona, and this guy that's jealous of Othello spreads a rumor about Desdemona and that's all I've read so far.

"Hey Jada, can I talk to you about something for a second?" Tyran, from my drama class, asked me. He sat down on the step next to me.

"Yeah, go for it." I set my book down and gave him my full attention.

He smirked a little and looked into the distance, then back at me. "So Tupac's gone, right?"

I wanted to roll my eyes but, I didn't want to seem mean. I laughed a bit. "Um yes, he's gone. Why... ?"


Tyran grabbed a cloth from his book bag and smiled widely. My eyes got wide as I realize what he was trying to do, I got up and ran as quick as I could but I wasn't fast enough. Tyran grabbed my arm and flung me to the ground, putting the cloth over my mouth and after that was all a blur.  

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