Chapter 15

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Richard woke up alone to Delaney playing the piano downstairs. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, smiling and listening. He sighed, getting up and getting dressed in his suit. He went to Delaney's room, placing something in her nightstand before heading downstairs.

Delaney looked up and smiled when she saw Richard enter in a suit. "Morning. I made coffee this time."

Richard laughed, leaning over to kiss her, "thank you." He sighed, "I have to go." He pulled her to stand up with him, wrapping his arms around her. "I'll be back after my meeting."

Delaney nodded, "okay." She pulled his mouth to hers quickly before he had to leave. She sat back at her piano, setting up her phone to record her playing.

"This is a new song I've been working on. I hope everyone enjoys."

🎵 Dirty tissues, trust issues
Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you
Lonely pillows in a strangers bed
Little voices in my head
Secret keeping, stop the bleeding
Lost a little weight because I wasn't eating
All the songs that I can't listen to, to tell the truth
Loving you was young, and wild, and free
Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet
Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you had consequences
Hesitation, awkward conversation
Running on low expectation
Every siren that I was ignoring
I'm payin' for it
Loving you was young, and wild, and free
Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet
Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you had consequences
No, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Said, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Hey, no ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Loving you was dumb, dark and cheap
Loving you will still take shots at me
Found loving you was sunshine, but then it poured
And I lost so much more than my senses
'Cause loving you had consequences
Loving you🎵

She smiled at the camera before turning it off and posting the video. When she finished, she messaged Tanya with a statement about her breakup with Chris.

'Chris and I split because of infidelity, his not mine. He made terrible decisions that have led to consequences I am now having to face. Not only infidelity but she was brought into my own home and he paid the girl to stay quiet. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but we don't always think about how our mistakes affect other people. I think Chris is kind and compassionate and made a stupid mistake and our mistakes don't define us. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still be held accountable for them.'

She received a text back right away from Tanya.

Are you sure you want to say all that?


Okay. I'll send it out Delaney


Delaney heard the front door open, entering the living room to see Richard enter the house with another man with dark hair in a suit. "Richard, who is this?"

He sighed, motioning to the man, "this is Jeff. He's your new bodyguard."

Delaney crossed her arms and shook her head, "no he isn't."

Richard looked at her, "Ms. Martin."

She saw the seriousness in his face, "okay. Mr. Madden." She went to follow him upstairs and saw Jeff following them. She turned back to him, "Stay." She watched him clench his jaw but nod and stand at the bottom of the stairs. Delaney followed Richard into his bedroom, closing the door behind her. "I don't like this. He can't make you leave. It's still my house. What is going on?"

He shook his head, keeping his voice quiet. "I don't like it either Laney. I'm suspended, pending an investigation of my relationship with you."

She groaned, "Richard, this is all my fault. I'm sorry."

"No." He pulled her to him, "I have enjoyed every moment with you. I still want to be with you when this is over. If that's something you want?"

She smiled, tears welling, "yes. I want that Richard." She moaned softly as she pulled his lips to hers as he placed his hand at the nape of her neck.

He pulled away, cradling her face in his hands, "look at me. I put a gun in your nightstand near your closet. Just in case. Don't let anyone else in the house."

Delaney nodded, "do you have to go?"

He sighed, packing the stuff he had laying around, "unfortunately I do. Me being here will only make it worse for you and for me. They don't want anyone else in the house with you." He went to hand her his keys but she pushed them back to him.

"No. You're the only one I trust with those. Keep them. I mean, you're coming back right?"

He nodded, "of course. Call me and I will be here Laney."

She smiled, "okay. I don't like Jeff. Something about him."

"I know. I'm not stopping my investigation when I leave this house Laney. I'm going to continue to look into the girl and I'm going to look into Jeff. Okay?"

Delaney nodded, "okay. Thank you Richard."

He nodded, kissing her quickly, "I care about you Laney."

She sighed as she watched him pull away before leaving the room. She followed him downstairs, watching him leave the house, highly aware she was being watched by Jeff. She turned around to face him, pointing to a chair in the corner, "stop lurking and sit down."

Jeff hesitated but sat in the chair she pointed to.

Delaney went to say something else but heard urgent knocking on her door. She opened it to find Chris. She sighed, "I thought I might be seeing you."

He started to say something but saw Jeff stand up, "who is that. Where is Richard?"

Delaney looked up at him, locking eyes with him, "he's my new bodyguard."

Chris nodded, "but what happened to Richard."

"He wasn't doing his job. He was distracted."

Delaney looked back at Jeff at his aggressive tone.

Chris crossed his arms, "somehow I don't believe that."

Delaney grabbed Chris's hand, "let's go talk upstairs."

Chris looked at her hand in his and nodded, following her up to her bedroom, shutting the door behind them. "What is going on?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. Richard was taken off my detail because someone told his boss we were sleeping together."

"Were you?"

She nodded, "but no one knew. He thinks it was Levi. He was jealous. He asked me out after the incident and I turned him down. Richard thinks he may be somehow involved."

"Wow. Okay." Chris sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm really sorry Delaney. You're right, it's all my fault."

"Richard isn't allowed to stay. Will you stay with me tonight. Please? I don't trust the new bodyguard."

Chris stood up, "of course." He followed her back downstairs where Jeff was standing.

Delaney stood in front of him, "Chris is staying the night."

Jeff shook his head, "no one is allowed to stay. Security risk."

Chris felt her grab his hand again, "if she wants me to stay, then I'm staying and there's nothing you can do about it."

Delaney saw him clench his jaw, but nod.

"Fine. Just for tonight."

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