Chapter 2

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An attendant, waiting with a luggage cart, rushed open while Nekomata, Tadashi, and Yuuji filed off the rooftop, through a door which opens into an elevator. The trio faced towards the elevator door as they rode downwards. A couple of men in suits were behind them, an assistant and a driver. The older man was standing in between the couple. He was about to speak up when the voice suddenly intrudes--

...I want you to levitate. I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish....

"What?" The old man asked.

"What, dad?" Tadashi replied, he furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"Ah, I thought you said something."

"What's the matter, Nekomata-san?" Yuuji seemed worried.

"No... It's nothing..." His eyes darted about, confirming that no one had heard a thing, but him. The elevator opened and he led the group out. "Here we are..."

"I'll be walking to the hospital, dad..."

"You sure you don't want my assistant to drive you there?"

"It's a couple of blocks away from here, I'm okay..." Tadashi smiled. 

"Alright, then. I'll see you tonight," he waved at his son. Nekomata, followed by Yuuji, stepped into a waiting limousine. 

"Bye, love," Yuuji waved at Tadashi, too. The green haired doctor smiled then he stepped out into the street to walk towards a café. 


Yuuji and Nekomata emerged from a grand entrance, the older man observing the decorations, which looked excessive. The two were inside a conference room, a circle of top executives welcome them. Now stepping out from the group is a huge, white-haired European, Tristan Bergmann. 

"Nekomata-san, good morning," the man greeted as he held out a handshake. His German roots were brought out by his thick accent.

He was about to bow a bit as his already got used to it, but Nekomata shook his hand instead.

"How are you today, Terushima-san?"

"I'm doing great, sir," the young executive replied.

"I've heard you wanted to buy my company," Nekomata asked directly.

"Ah, I could never buy any of your hotels, Nekomata-san. I will pay, of course,  some stocks perhaps. But your company will always have your imprint." Mr. Bergmann looked serious. The businessman in his 50's was surrounded by men in suits, some were his body guards and assistants; the others, were managers from his own chain of hotels in Germany. 

"That's very nice to hear, Mr. Bergmann," Nekomata replied. Yuuji nodded excitedly at the upcoming deal.


Meanwhile, in the busy compound outside 15-story medical facility, Tadashi squeezed into a seat next to the counter in a cafeteria. A thriving café across from the hospital's entrance, customers cheek-by-jowl as a pair of servers juggle beverages and breakfasts and serve to a group of chatting nurses, residents, and interns. A counterman, with a smile and a greeting, placed a cup of coffee in front of Tadashi. The staff seemed to already know what the young resident doctor drinks since visiting the coffee shop has been the latter's daily ritual. Immediately, he became aware of a man behind him, speaking on his cellphone.

"Alright, I'll see you next week, we'll hang out, I promise... I love you, too..." The bespectacled young man in his mid 20's  hung up the call. He stood tall and he had blonde hair. He had a suitcase on his one hand and coat slung over his opposite shoulder.

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