Rest. (YuEun)

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AN: Quick translation for pet names that may be used in parts of this story.


Yeobo= Honey/Darling

Aegiya= Baby


It was another day. For Purple Kiss that meant another long day of work. Well for all members but Jieun.

For Jieun, it meant another long day and long night of work, which in turn also meant it was another night of trying to convince her girlfriend, Mori Koyuki, to go to bed without her.

"Jieun!" Yuki whined. "Come to bed with me, Please! You need to rest!"

The older girl shook her head. " I'm fine jagiya. You don't need to worry about looking after me."

"But you're always looking after all six of us all the time! You should at least let me, as your girlfriend, look after you!" Yuki huffed, slightly frustrated by her girlfriend's stubborness.

"Koyu...I'll go to bed soon...but you need rest more than me." Jieun gave her girlfriend a look and Yuki, knowing she wouldn't win this argument, sighed and gave Jieun a kiss on the cheek before heading to the dorm room she shared with Chaein.

        (A few hours later)

Jieun stood up from the table she'd been working at and smiled. Finally satisfied with the amount of work she'd done, she headed to the room where she knew her girlfriend was sleeping. She entered Chaein and Yuki's shared room and, being careful not to wake Chaein, padded softly over to her sleeping girlfriend and spooned her, smiling when she felt the sleeping woman, now slightly awoken by her girlfriend's presence, cuddle into her.

"Jieun..." She heard her girlfriend's sleepy voice mumble. 

"Yes Yeobo?" She asked softly.

"Are you gonna stay and cuddle me now?" She asked groggily.

"Yes Aegiya. I'm finished working for the night.

"Okay, I love you Jieun." Yuki whispered, already slipping back asleep.

"I love you more Koyu." Jieun smiled as she saw her girlfriend relax and fall back asleep, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead and whispered another "Sleep well my love." Before falling asleep herself.

(In the morning)

Yuki woke up without Jieun next to her and sighed. This was one of the reasons her and Jieun were always up before the other five girls. Jieun took it upon herself to make breakfast for the group and Yuki didn't see a point in staying in bed once awake if Jieun wasn't there to cuddle her.

She got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to see her girlfriend surrounded by seven plates of food at the kitchen table.

"Jieun?" She called, alerting her girlfriend to her presence.

Jieun immediately looked up and smiled widely when she saw Yuki.

"Koyu!" She cooed, opening her arms for a hug which Yuki immediately accepted, running into her arms.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before Jieun pulled away. "I've made you all breakfast!" She chirped. 

Yuki smiled. "Thank you aegiya, but you didn't have to do that. I appreciate it honestly, but you got up so much earlier than everyone else to do this and you already went to bed late. Couldn't you have used the extra sleep?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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