"h-urt" I whimpered trying to push his hand. His grip didn't loosen so I looked up at him and catching me off guard he kissed me.

"Mmm ! Mm mmm" I tried to push him but he was to strong and kept his lips on mine forcing his tongue in my mouth.

I kept trying to fight him off but I couldn't. When he finally stopped I started crying and he smiled getting up. 

I seen the mean man standing by the door and the other man walked over to him giving him some money before walking out.

I gagged almost throwing up before crying louder. "HEY !" the mean man yelled making me jump.

"Shut up" he gritted walking over to me. I kept crying shaking my head while he walked up to me then slapped me hard.

His ring cut my lip making it bleed and sting. "owww" I cried then swallowed spit that burned going down my swollen throat.

"Stop !" he said forcefully squeezing my cheeks together. I whimpered looking at him with teary eyes and he smiled.

"you're gonna make me a lot of money" he said with that smile still on his face.

"i-i h-h-urt" I said talking about my throat.

"Oh ? Well I got something to make you feel better" he said slowly moving his hand to my private.

My body started to shake in fear while I got flashbacks of daddy.

He touched it and I whimpered unintentionally peeing on his hand out of fear.

He gasped quickly pulling his hand back then slapped me the hardest he's slapped me causing my body to fall.

"YOU NASTY BITCH !" he yelled kicking me in the stomach taking the breath out of me.

I weakly looked up at him and he slowly stopped looking like himself and more like daddy making me whimper.

He grabbed me by my hair yanking me and I screamed while pain ripped through my scalp. He threw me out the room then picked me up.

He sniffed then scrunched his face. "You fucking stink" he said walking somewhere.

He took me outside where it was raining and I noticed him walking to the pool making me panic "N-No no" I said shaking my head quickly trying to get out his arms.

"Shut up" he said walking up to the pool. 

Before I could think he threw me in and I sank all the way to the bottom. I stayed down there for a while until my body finally floated to the top.

When it did I coughed trying to breath but I went right back under. I kicked my legs trying to get back to the top and when I did I took another breath before going back under.

I went up again and this time I grabbed the wall to keep me up. I coughed trying to catch my breath before gaining enough strength to get out.

I laid on the cold ground shivering while rain fell down on me and my lungs burned.

My eyes was getting heavy and I brought my fist up to my mouth sucking on it for comfort while I closed my eyes.

-------- -------

My body hitting something hard woke me up in pain.

I looked around confused, cold, and weak. I seen the mean man and another man by him.

"Man she's all wet and cold what i'm supposed to do with her ?" the man asked.

"Nigga this is beyonce we're talking about. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity " the mean man said.

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