Chapter 1: The Enchanted Forest

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I looked in the mirror and frowned. The person staring back at me was a stranger, I was truly unhappy. Not that anyone noticed, they were all too busy living their happy endings. I walked across the room and shot a fireball at the mirror and felt tears burning my eyes.

"Y/N! What are you doing?" Regina asked. She quickly distinguished the flames with a wave of her hand and walked over to me. She lifted my chin and wiped away my tears as they fell. "I didn't know you were here" I admitted. Regina dropped her hand from my face and sighed. "I felt that something was wrong so I teleported here to see if you were alright and it's a good thing that I did because clearly you're not" she pointed out. "I don't want to talk about it" I turned around and started walking away but she grabbed my hand. "You don't have to. Don't forget that I know you better than you know yourself. I can tell you're not happy." She was right even if I didn't want her to be. "Yes, you do. But there's only one thing that could truly change that. I have you and I love you but I'm not where I belong, where WE belong." I hesitated before looking Regina straight in the eyes. "I want to go back to the Enchanted Forest."

That night

I held Regina's hand in mind as we approached Granny's. Everyone was here celebrating the defeat of the black fairy and their "happy beginnings". As soon as the door slammed shut, all eyes were on us. The whole room went deadly silent before everyone bowed. "Hello your majesty" Snow said with a smile. "I'm so proud of you Regina. After all this time you are the queen everyone wanted, looking out for your people and doing what's right. You are a hero. Now please come and have a drink with us." Regina smiled back and they hugged. "Thank you Snow. Unfortunately I'm not here to celebrate. I'm here to make an announcement." That last sentence managed to catch everyone's attention. "What is it Mom? Is everything okay?" Henry asked. His face was filled with concern. "Yes Henry everything's fine but this is important. Y/N and I are going back to the Enchanted Forest and I think you should come with us. After all that is our home and we are leaving tonight." Everyone gasped and Emma quickly approached me. "Y/N can I please talk to you? Alone." She asked angrily. She was clearly trying to hide her anger but failing. "Very well." I teleported us to Regina's vault where no one would be able to hear us. "What is it Emma?" I asked. I wasn't really interested in what she had to say but I didn't want anything to escalate back at Granny's where everyone could watch. "Don't you think you should ask before you try and take my son away from me?!" She expressed, raising her voice.

"Don't you think this is something you should discuss with Regina? Henry is her son after all" I pointed out, a grin spreading across my face. Emma may be the saviour but she doesn't deserve anything she has, she gave it all up when she abandoned Henry as a baby. Besides she'd always acted like she was above everyone else. She could do no wrong where the town was concerned. But when Regina had to jump through a million hoops to help everyone, all they could do was throw her past in her face and treat her like garbage. I wasn't having any of it. Emma Swan was no more than a pathetic criminal that only cared about herself and one day everyone would see it. "He is my son!" She yelled, balling her fists up at her sides. "No, you failed him and if it wasn't for Regina he would be just like you. A failure." Within a matter of seconds Emma threw me across the room. I flew into wall, hitting my head hard. I quickly got to my feet and created a fireball, prepared to teach her a lesson to never do it again but against my will the fire went out. I looked up and saw Regina glaring between us. "What are you doing?!" She demanded. She walked over to me with a scowl on her face. "Regina I-" before I could get another word out I was surrounded by darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Regina patting my forehead with a cool towel. "What happened?." I sat up and touched the back of my head. I remembered the pain I'd felt before, a burning like I'd never experienced in my life. "You were about to attack Emma, you looked like you wanted to kill her" she said with concern filled eyes. "What? No, I would never do that." Regina knew that I didn't like Emma. I suppose she didn't know just how much I despised her. She looked at me doubtfully and frowned. "You reminded me of how much I hated Snow White and it scared me. I was willing to do anything to get my way. But now we're basically family. Promise me you won't try to hurt her." I stayed silent and looked down. I didn't know if I could keep a promise like that but if I could try to do it for anyone, it would be for Regina. I loved her. "Y/N?" I reached for her hands, holding them tightly in mine and nodded. "I promise my love."

"Good, now we can get on with our plans. I got a magic bean from the dwarves. It would seem that they salvaged their bean farm and have more than enough for whatever we need." She reached into her pocket and pulled it out, handing it to me. "Are you ready for our happy beginning?" I smiled in return. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know that I could but what about Henry?" I didn't want to leave if it meant separating them. "He does want to come don't worry. In fact it would seem that most of the town does. Like you said it's where we belong. But he's going with Emma and Hook." She spat. "Why? You're his Mother! He should come with you" I felt angry on her behalf. After everything she'd done for him... "It's fine and I've told you Emma is his Mother too. I really need you to accept that. If not for anyone else, for me." I nodded and pecked her cheek. "Anything for you. Now let's go." We teleported to the backyard and I threw the bean onto the ground eagerly. This was the right thing to do. It had to be.

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