I loved her, but she loved my money.

Just like everyone said, I made a mistake which is still costing me my sanity. I still go crazy when she is around, still go out of hand with my emotions when she stands in front of me, still love her when I meet those eyes which have always lied.

But not anymore, Diya had to been shown her place and what better than seeing me wed off in a way she once dreamed. 

"Shyra, I am not forcing you," I told the woman in front of me, completely blinded by Diya and her stupid, lost eyes, "but I want to get married to you, in this month. I know it is too early but if we are going to get married eventually then why not," I held my hot coffee mug, I had booked the entire café so we could have our own privacy. "I like you Shyra, and not just for the business deal, otherwise too. Let me know what you think," I said, eyeing my watch, I had a meeting to attend. "But it is time I move ahead in my life, and I want to move ahead with you."

She looked at me with a less startled face, I knew she was boring her eyes into my soul again. Shyra had the thing of reading expressions and the human eyes in the most subtle way, she had studied a little psychology before joining the fashion industry and her eyes scanned mine, wanting to catch a lie.

Good thing that I was not lying.

She held my hand, and offered a small smile, "Ishaan, no offence, but you are not being pressurized right?" 

"No," I sat back, pulling my hand back and sipping my coffee, "and no pressure to you too. This is something I really want to do. It is time."


Shyra took two days to answer and as expected, it was a positive answer. I mean not to brag, but rejecting Ishaan Mathur's marriage proposal would cause a huge dent to her father's business ideas and Shyra loved her father a lot. Not only did she adored him, she hero-worshipped her parents, and often, I have heard her speak so highly about her parents. The only time I remember about my parents is when I need their signatures on some papers.

Shyra and her family were in, I had already informed my family and Diya's wedding planning company were in too. Instead of a destination wedding or a huge grandeur in some lavish hotel, I suggested a small gathering in our house, and the wedding would take place in the banquet hall in our complex itself. Shyra liked the idea of having all the pre-wedding ceremonies in my house but her family had to be compensated by a huge reception which they would organise after our wedding. I did not care much about the post wedding anyway, my aim was to marry and to have Diya cry as much as she made me cry.

Karma was supposed to help me here, but apparently, even karma fell for her innocence, failing to fulfil its purpose of payback and hence I had to take things in my own hands. 

"Ishaan, you are aware that you would be not working as much in this one month right?" 

I scoffed, typing the report on my laptop, "I will be still working from home, mom. The wedding leave will only be for seven days," I looked at my mother who stood besides me, "I cannot afford to waste more money."

"I hope you know what you are doing," She instructed the staff to come in with the tray of dinner, and they lay it on the table. "Don't forget that Shyra is as important to us as you are to them, be careful with the mess you have invited." I held my breath, tapping the keys with my finger, "that girl is a bad omen, and she has already wrecked your life once, she will not hesitate to do it again." 

"I do not want to talk about it." I pretended to type something, just to get my mother off my back. "And why are you so obsessed with Diya, more than I am?" I said, shaking my head with a grunt, "weren't you the one who wrecked my life too?" 

"Ishaan, I..."

"Save it mom," I shut my laptop, getting up and stretching my arms. "And don't stress about anyone other than this wedding, and leave Diya and Shyra to me, please." I walked towards the table, the food smelled really nice and the very thought of getting vengeance was making me hungry too.

I guess I was a sadist, all thanks to the venom called love.

"You have to know that whatever I did was for you, Ishaan," My mother was adamant yet again to explain how she had done a huge favour on me, "that girl was pretending to love you, and I did whatever I could to show you what she really was."

Fisting my hands, I faced her, "so you just so easily broke us both up?" I asked, my mother was always so unfazed by everything. Sometimes I felt like I was turning like her, being stony, cold and sheer indifferent to feelings. "You did not even think once what your son would feel when you wanted to play detective with my feelings?" 

"Feelings?" She replied, scoffing. Her scoff was so casual, like an insult to all my pain, adding salt to my injuries. She never really cared about me before, nor does she care about me now. It was all about proving herself right and to demean my choice. "That girl was playing with those feelings, and she was an anchor, weighing you down, pulling you down. You were not even ready to go to London to study in your dream college only because that girl was here." I averted my gaze, old memories hitting me like a storm. "What you are now, is all because of me, and if I had let you loiter around that good for nothing girl, you'd be as useless as she is now, and she would have left you midway, because you had nothing of your own."

Spitting malice but facts, she poured the orange juice in the glass and forwarded it to me, "Ishaan, that girl never loved you." I took the glass from her hand and lowered my gaze, teary eyes were not something I was proud off.

"But you never did either, mom," I choked on my own voice, while she looked at me, startled, "to prove your point you destroyed your son, I hope you know that." 


That was how I would describe my mother to human feelings, unaltered and stony. 

"Diya accepted money over you Ishaan," She said, shrugging, and sighing, tired of repeating the same thing to me, "she chose money when I gave it to her. She did not even hesitate to accept that blank cheque when I told her to leave you." Those words always hurt my heart, scraping over the old wounds to renew them, "that girl was a gold digger and always will be. And after all this, if you still love her, than you are the biggest idiot I have ever seen in my life." 

When my mother finally left the room, the tears escaped from my eyes instantly, and this time I did not wipe them. Walking towards the wooden altar, I watched the blazing diya with puffed up eyes and I pinched the light off, and let my tears take over my emotions. 

I would have left everything for her, this fame, this house, this name, everything, and she chose everything over me.


Unfortunately, my feelings for her were also unaltered.


Halfway there, and we know now what Ishaan is going through! 

What do you think happened?

Appreciate all your comments, but I really need your prayers for my puppy, he is sick and I am worried sick for him and hence all these faster updates. Will take some time for the next ones.

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