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1 Do you believe featuring in meet the authors has helped you as a writer?

  Honestly, not really. I don't think many have seen the interview outside of my followers. I've given the link. But still, It doesn't hurt to be there if somebody stumbles on it by accident; it's a win, right?

2 What genre do you like to read?

 Mainly, I like romance, thrillers, and fantasy. Those provide me with the escape I need when I read.

3 What's the best piece of advice you have received on Wattpad?

     To let things go and do me. Sometimes snarky comments, bad reviews in awards, and just people, in general, can get to you. It can hurt and be a blow to your self-esteem, but if you let it go and stay true to yourself, you'll find your peace to keep going.

4 Are your stories on any of platforms ? (Instagram, twitter, amazon, ect)

I have a Facebook page @AlixDavenportRomances, and I'm on Instagram @The_Alix_Davenport. I'm not too active there because I suck at social media.

5 Do you believe being a part of the Wattpad community has helped you as a writer?

Absolutely. I've met wonderful readers and writers who've given friendship and feedback. I've also met some not-so-reliable personalities who've taught me not to be too trusting. I've learned a lot about writing and life from being on Watt.

6 What's one story (on or off Wattpad) that you would recommend someone read?

  I've already promoted my love for rotXinXpieces. Any of their books are worth the time, in my opinion.

7 How is your latest story going? Can you tell us anything about it?

  Since I've been out sick since before New Year's, I've not had the energy to work much on it. But my current story is Russian Roulette: Flashbacks, which is the second Russian Roulette book in my series. But where I left off and where I'll pick up when I begin uploading chapters again soon is just before the shit hits the fan on a major scale. Large parts of the suspense buildup will be revealed and addressed, and I can't wait for the readers' reactions.

8 Do you believe interview platforms, clubs, contests and organization accounts on Wattpad are a useful tool to new writers?

   There are heaps of positives to be found when engaging in different clubs, awards, and whatnot. Personally, I don't see the awards as fulfilling as they only judge a few chapters and announce a winner based on 3-5 chapters of a book without reading the rest. A book that starts off strong and has engaging first chapters can become boring and badly wrapped up. And a book that starts off slow can finish strong, but nobody will ever know because who cares about the losers, right? I try to enter, but always with the same results, which is quite tiring. But it's a way to meet new people, and if just one gives your book a try after seeing it in an award, then you gain something.

9 As a writer, do you think its wise to write in more than one genre?

   I don't know about wise. I think it can be helpful in terms of learning the different needs of the genres. And there's a lot of freedom in writing something different if you're a bit stuck. I write romance—contemporary suspense novels. And I write adult fantasy. Both are gratifying because they're so different, and I get to work on my writing within the parameters of those genres. In the end, write what you want. If you don't have a passion for it, don't write it.

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