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Cornelia said that she heard the conversation between Lalisa and Jungkook on the day of the national banquet.

"Why don't you find someone in advance? Whether it's someone to soothe loneliness or someone to go to after divorce."

Lalisa remembered the elegant voice that said this while staring at her in front of Jungkook's private residence.

Lalisa's face gradually darkened.

If Jungkook was close to Cornelia, and if the matchmaking was exchanged, it would not be surprising if she deliberately spread such rumors.

"It's already been a year and there's been no news from you, so I had a rough idea... but you are, and always have been a fool."

The Marchioness murmured with an expression that made it hard to tell whether she was angry or mocking.

It was a dual emotion. She was angry at Lalisa for bringing disgrace to the Elody family, but at the same time she felt slight satisfaction at seeing her treated as befitting her lowly birth.

Lalisa didn't panic, she just closed her eyes slowly as if she was numb.

Even if such rumors were circulating, it didn't matter now. There was no more reason to be hurt.

Anyway, she intended to somehow get out of the position of the Grand Duchess before winter ended. When Lalisa didn't show any reaction, the Marchioness frowned heavily.

"How I have lost face in front of the noble ladies because of you..."


Lalisa raised her quiet eyes and stared at the Marchioness.

The Marchioness' eyes narrowed for a moment as her gaze was devoid of any emotion.

Lalisa spoke in an uninterested voice.

"Why don't you go home now?"


"It's getting quite late. I'm a little tired too."

The Marchioness stood up and raised her voice.

"How dare you kick me out."

Shedding her gentle mask, the Marchioness could not contain her anger. Lalisa just avoided looking at her as she raised her hand in the same way the Marquis did the other day.

But the difference between the Marquis and his wife was that the Marchioness' sense was a little more sensitive.

Seeing the expression that everything was annoying and exhausting of Lalisa, the Marchioness lowered her hand and glared at Lalisa.

"You have an ulterior motive, don't you?"

The Marchioness had never seen Lalisa look like this before.

She had only seen her shrugging, shaking, and just meekly doing as she was told.

At the Marchioness' words, Lalisa squeezed her soft palms, but her expression was as calm as she could be. The Marchioness stared at her for a long time and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"When you step out of the shadow of our family, a woman like you is just a lowborn on the street."

Lalisa will never be free from her oppressive life, that was what the Marchioness meant.

"So don't dare to climb up blindly, and just do what you're told to do for the rest of your usefulness.""

Lalisa gradually unfolded her hand, which had been tightened. She felt the pain of hitting her heart violently, but her expression hardened.

I Will Disappear, Grand Duke | LK AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now