Yandere troubles

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The photo above does not belong to me, credit goes to the artist

It was the next day and Koichi went to school on his own. Josuke and Okuyasu decided to pick up (Y/n).

A knock was heard as Kakyoin made his way to the door. "Ah! Who are you?" "Hi, Mister Kakyoin! I'm Josuke and this is Okuyasu. We are friends of (Y/n)." Kakyoin sighed. "I see. So your the stand users, come in." Kakyoin spoke as he moved further into his home. "(Y/n)! Your friends are here!" "Ok!" (Y/n) rushed out of her room and down the stairs, careful not to fall. "Hey guys!"

School had ended quickly as it started. Koichi had left earlier while the three others walked home together. The three began their route home. "I don't think your brother likes us..." "Why do you say that?" "He gave us a dirty look this morning." (Y/n) sighed. "Okuyasu..." "What's up?" "How's your brother?" "Oh! Keicho decided to drop school to watch over our dad." The group fell into a comfortable silence. "...So, that Hazamada guy... Doesn't know... Anything about the electric guy?" "Yeah... Hazamada couldn't tell me anything about the guy. He said that he only talked to him over the phone... He seems like a cautious guy. Didn't tell Hazamada about his identity or his name, or anything about the bow and arrow..." Okuyasu grabbed Josuke. "You gonna believe that, Josuke? Did you try to torture him or something?!" "Hey... Think about it, alright? If Hazamada really knew who the electricity guy was... That guy would've already have disposed of him." "Josuke's got a point." "He also told me and Jotaro the same thing (Y/n) had said. Stand users attract other stand users." "Goddamn it! What a pussy! Just come and fight us already!" (Y/n) sighed along with Josuke. "But think about it, Okuyasu. He's being careful." "When he does confront us, we might as well be screwed." "Oh, he could also just be sending stand users to us to figure out our abilities..." The two males shivered. "That's a scary thought, (Y/n)." (Y/n) giggled. "Sorry."

"Oh!" Josuke and (Y/n) brought their attention to the café. "Hey! It's Koichi..." "You're right... what's he doing there alone?" "So this is why he left early. I wonder who he is meeting." "How do you know he is meeting someone?" Josuke asked. "Well he is at the café and he isn't with us. It also seems he is looking for someone." "Sugoi! You're so smart, (Y/n)!" "Right... Thanks Okuyasu." The two males gasped as a beautiful girl began to sit down with Koichi. "Fufufu. It seems out friend is on a date." "Yo, Josuke, (Y/n), hide!" Okuyasu grabbed their arms and dragged them behind a wall. "Why are we hiding?" "Just shut up! We're gonna spy on them!" "I didn't know you liked stuff like this, Okuyasu!" (Y/n) elbowed Josuke's side. "Don't patronize him. Plus this is exciting!" (Y/n) smiled as she peaked out from behind the wall, the two boys hovered over her, trying to look at the scene as well. "That's... Yukako Yamagishi, I think she's in my class..." "You guys know interesting people. No one is interesting in my class." Except every girl glares at her but she wasn't going to say that. "It's ok (Y/n), she isn't as pretty as you." Okuyasu spoke as Josuke hit his head. "O-Oh uuuumm Thanks...? I guess..." (Y/n) stuttered as her face heated up.

"Let's get closer." The three quickly ran behind a tree. "Are you sure this is a good spot? They might see us." Josuke quickly covered (Y/n)'s mouth. "Shh! E-Ewww! Did you just lick me?!" (Y/n) chuckled, "That's what you get." "Will you guys be quiet? I want to hear what they are saying." The three listened. "Its nothing like that..." "Huh? It's not? If you want me to adopt a kitten or a puppy, I already have an old dog named police, so mom'll definitely say no..." "This is so embarrassing, he doesn't even realize he is getting hit on." The (h/c) haired girl mumbled, watching the scene unfold. "Huh? It's something to be straight-forward about? Is there anything else you would want from me...?" "I... I like you Koichi." Okuyasu gasped. "What the hell?!" Josuke quickly covered his mouth. "I didn't see that one coming." "I did..." "That's only because your a girl." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I... I think about you all the time, Koichi." "Damn! She's really going for it. Wish I had her guts." "Man, the guy (Y/n) likes must be one lucky guy!" Josuke looked down sadly, going unnoticed by the other two.

"I bet you already have a girlfriend." Yukako sadly spoke. "Huh? O-oh... No, I don't." "Why Koichi!? No one ever says stuff like that to me!!" Okuyasu dramatically spoke, leaning into Josuke, crying. "Whoa, no need to cry, man. Come on." "Is this some kind of joke?" Koichi spoke, gaining the males attention once more. "I'm serious! Recently, you've started to look much more mature, Koichi... You have the look of a man with courage and a purpose. But when you laugh... Well, you're... Cute." "I look like that too, right? Josuke?" Josuke sweat dropped. "Uh... Yeah..." "I think the most attractive thing about a man is their future potential. People who are already perfect are boring to be with. Koichi, You have something shining within you! I know, because I've always been watching..." "Stalker much? This chick is crazy!" "Why do you say that, (Y/n)?" "Well, Okuyasu. She only likes him because he has potential, and once he gains that potential, she is most likely going to drop him." "Oh yeah? Well what's your definition to liking someone??" Josuke asked, (Y/n)'s face heating up. "Well... It's all about what makes them a person but it's a plus if they had a cute smile, or an adorable laugh, or when they somehow make you smile even in your hardest moments." (Y/n) spoke with hands to her face. "Man, wish I was the guy (Y/n) liked." Okuyasu had tears streaming down his face. "Yeah well that guy is probably some loser!" Josuke huffed. "Why're you so mean, Josuke...!" (Y/n) pouted. If only Josuke knew that he just called himself a loser.

"Do you dislike ugly girls like me?" "Huh? You're not ugly at all... Not at all..." "Damn, she is putting him in a tough spot..." (Y/n) huffed. "Do you... Not like me?" "Whoa...!" Okuyasu sweat dropped. "Huh? Dislike you? I mean this is all so sudden, but... That's not..." "Then, do you like me?" Koichi began to freak out and became a stuttering mess. "Which one is it?! Do you... Love me or not?! Hurry up and tell me! Don't you see how much I'm pouring my heart out?!" Yukako yelled, slamming her elbow onto the table, causing her coffee to spill. "Ahh! I spilled my coffee! It's all your fault!" Yukako then gasped. "Oh... I...I got carried away... I... I was being selfish... Wasn't I? Of course, there is no way you could make a decision on the spot... I... I'm so sorry! I-I..." Yukako then ran off. "Told you! She is crazy." "Yeah... I kinda feel bad for Koichi." Josuke grabbed Okuyasu's shoulder. "Yeah... Let's just pretend like we didn't see anything."


It was after school and the four decided to meet up by the school's pool. "Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late..." Josuke looked up to the girl. The three males were crouched on the floor. "You ok?" "Yeah..." "Right... So, I thought of an idea. If we can somehow get her to think that you're a good for nothing asshole... then it'll all be good, right?" (Y/n) smacked the back of Josuke's head lightly. "Don't tell him that! Look, in my opinion, nothing you do will stop her from liking you. She's got it bad, and if provoked, she might do something bad." "Then what do I do...?" Koichi looked dejected. "Hmmm? I know her wraith would be bad but it might be better if you tell her straight forward that you don't like her." "You sure your ok, (Y/n)?" The girl sighed. "I'm fine, Josuke. Don't worry. I should head out now though, I have a lot to work on. See you guys!" (Y/n) waved to the guys before making her way out of the school. Hopefully they won't pull anything stupid.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the school's slut! It must be normal where you're from though, sleeping with every guy you see." (Y/n) glared down the group of girls that were guarding the entrance to the school. "Oh, what a scary look. Listen Josuke is ours, so back the fuck off!" The (h/c) haired girl sighed. "Josuke isn't an object." "What did you say?!" "I said Josuke isn't an object. No one owns him." "Says the bitch whose trying to get into his pants!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes. She had enough stuff to deal with, she didn't need a posy of girls stressing her out even more. Rolling her eyes was a big mistake. A rule she had made was that she wasn't going to harm normal people, so here she was, crumpled to the floor as multiple girls kicked and pounded on her.

When it ended, she had no energy left. Sitting there thinking of what to tell Kakyoin. What if Josuke see's her? He hasn't left the school yet... She sat up slowly, wincing in pain. One of the girls had on steel toe boots and made sure to get at least one good hit in. While in America, she had her fair share of bullies, but this? This was too much.


(Y/n) had finally made it home. If she was going to heal herself, it would be on her bed for when she passed out. The real problem was making up a story to not worry Kakyoin. "(Y/n)! How...! (Y/n)! What happened?!" Kakyoin spoke as he rushed to her, but she just brushed him off. She slowly made her way upstairs. Tomorrow, she'll apologize.

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