A bizarre meeting

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The photo above belongs to me. This is your stand.

(Y/n) was 4 years old, living on the streets. She tugged at her ragged shirt as she traversed the alleyways of Egypt. She originally was born in America when her parents went on a trip and left her, never coming back. She was tired and hungry.

After traversing the alleyways, (Y/n) found her favorite building. It was tall and somewhat abandoned. She would come here to converse with the spirit lady that followed her everywhere. The lady was with her since she was born. (Y/n) also found out that the spirit lady would come and heal her if she was hurt or if someone she knew was hurt.

She quickly entered the building and climbed the stairs, the rooftop was the quietest place to talk to the spirit lady. Her small feet tapping on the hard concrete stairs. Her small hands reached for the door handle as a loud bang was heard. The little child began to shake out of fear but pushed it off. She had a feeling that she needed to go to the roof. Slowly opening the door she saw a bright green light before the clock tower began to crumble. After fully opening the door, she saw several figures jump off the roofs. 'What just happened...?' (Y/n) thought before she heard a groan. Looking over, she saw a pair of legs dangling from the water tower.

Immediately the spirit lady appeared and rushed to the bloodied body. Careful not to injure the man, the spirit lady picked him up from the damaged water tower and carefully laid him in front of the girl. (Y/n) nodded to the spirit. She made up her mind to save him. The spirit woman began glow a yellow hue as she began to make a small dance, cherry blossoms following her fingertips and descending to the injured area. The cherry blossoms began to glow before disappearing along with the wound. (Y/n) knew the man wouldn't wake up for a while so she asked the spirit woman to carry him. Taking him to her 'home'.


(Y/n) sat next to the red headed teen as she played with her broken doll. Making a story in her head, the little girl forgot her surroundings as she played. She was brought back when she fell back into the lap of the boy. She sighed. The teen had a heartbeat but still wasn't waking up. (Y/n) took back her words as she heard a small groan. The teen finally awoke with a start, calming down, he noticed the small child in his lap. The little girl giggle as she noticed the confused look on his face. "Hi! I'm (Y/n)!"

The silence began before the male spoke. "..." The little girl sat up in his lap. "I healed you, you are not dead mister." She knew he wouldn't see the spirit lady but she summoned her anyway. The male's eyes widened as he saw the beautiful stand before him. "...A stand...?" He mumble, so quiet, (Y/n) almost didn't hear him. Her eyes sparkled with child like wonder. "You can see her!?" "..." The redhead seemed to be in thought. "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin... And yes I can see your stand." He spoke as he summoned his stand. "WOAHHHHH!" She was happy. She found someone who was like her. "Since we are alike that means we are friends!" The little girl declared as she stood from his lap. Kakyoin noticed the girls dirty attire. "Where are your parents, little one?" "They left... But it's ok! they'll notice I'm gone and they'll come back for me!" (Y/n) spoke with confidence. The male groaned as he tried to get up. "Ah! Don't move to much mister! Even though the spirit lady healed you, you'll be in pain for a while..." The little girl looked down sadly. "I'm sorry..." Kakyoin's eyes widened before he smiled softly, patting the girls head. "That's all right, (Y/n). Why don't you come with me, and we will wait for your parents at my home."

The red headed male saw many speedwagon vehicles and figured the fight was over and that they won. They were probably looking for him but the male had more pressing matters at hand. Taking the little girls hand in his, he made his way to a clothing store. His uniform was bloodied and ruined and the little girl didn't deserve to walk around in rags. The girl was happy to wear a pink flowing dress as she skipped along, holding Kakyoin's hand. The redhead was happy to see the little girl smiling. Using Hierophant green, Kakyoin forged a passport for (Y/n).

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