Vaine Lucien De Villanova

19 2 0

"...... Master!"

"young master lucien..!"

i heard a womans voice saying somebody's name which results to me waking up


'just where... Am i?'

"thank the goddesses you're awake! You've been in a coma for 2 months!"

Says the woman

"report this to the grand duke this instant. "

Says the what seemed to be a butler with a professional yet stoic face

"where am i..?"

Everyone went silent after the three words left my lips

"call the physician."

It was not long before all the unknown people left the room leaving only me and the butler.

The giant yet beautiful doors opened revealing someone who had a cloak covering his face.

"greetings to the grand dukes second son.
Vaine lucien de villanova"

'vaine..i think ive heard that name before..'

My vision then again darkened as i lost consciousness after realizing where ive heard that name.

'bitter sweet smile' the title of the novel i read a month before i died





Hi! Author here
I didn't really know what to do with the title so i just
Made up a random name

Lol i wanna kill myself

I hope my friends dont find this

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